I will work on setting up a puppetdb server I can put into debug mode.  For 
now here is a "normal" GC run log output and my configuration files.


2013-01-15 19:20:57,767 INFO  [clojure-agent-send-off-pool-12] 
[cli.services] Starting database garbage collection
2013-01-15 19:26:40,383 WARN  [clojure-agent-send-off-pool-12] 
[jdbc.internal] Query slower than 10s threshold:  actual execution time: 
342.6148 seconds; Query: DELETE FROM catalogs WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * 
FROM certname_catalogs cc WHERE cc.catalog=catalogs.hash); Query Params: 
2013-01-15 19:33:29,304 WARN  [clojure-agent-send-off-pool-12] 
[jdbc.internal] Query slower than 10s threshold:  actual execution time: 
408.9210 seconds; Query: DELETE FROM resource_params WHERE NOT EXISTS 
(SELECT * FROM catalog_resources cr WHERE 
cr.resource=resource_params.resource); Query Params: 
2013-01-15 19:33:29,308 INFO  [clojure-agent-send-off-pool-12] 
[cli.services] Finished database garbage collection
2013-01-15 19:33:29,308 INFO  [clojure-agent-send-off-pool-12] 
[cli.services] Starting sweep of stale nodes (1 day threshold)
2013-01-15 19:33:29,390 INFO  [clojure-agent-send-off-pool-12] 
[cli.services] Finished sweep of stale nodes (1 day threshold)

#   config.ini 

# See README.md for more thorough explanations of each section and
# option.

# Store mq/db data in a custom directory
vardir = /var/lib/puppetdb
# Use an external log4j config file
logging-config = /etc/puppetdb/conf.d/../log4j.properties

# Maximum number of results that a resource query may return
resource-query-limit = 20000

# How many command-processing threads to use, defaults to (CPUs / 2)
threads = 10

# database.ini 

# For the embedded DB: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
# For PostgreSQL: org.postgresql.Driver
# Defaults to embedded DB
classname = org.postgresql.Driver

# For the embedded DB: hsqldb
# For PostgreSQL: postgresql
# Defaults to embedded DB
subprotocol = postgresql

# For the embedded DB: 
# For PostgreSQL: //host:port/databaseName
# Defaults to embedded DB located in <vardir>/db
subname = //PUPPETDB:5432/puppet

# Connect as a specific user

# Use a specific password

# How often (in minutes) to compact the database
# gc-interval = 60

# Number of seconds before any SQL query is considered 'slow'; offending
# queries will not be interrupted, but will be logged at the WARN log level.
log-slow-statements = 10

# How old (in days) to deactivate nodes that have not reported
node-ttl-days = 1

# How often to send a keepalive
conn-keep-alive = 4

# How long to keep connections open
conn-max-age = 30

On Tuesday, January 15, 2013 1:27:58 PM UTC-6, Ken Barber wrote:
> Hey Chuck, 
> I've had a chat with my colleagues and they raised some concerns about 
> your gc performance. I wouldn't mind drilling into that problem if 
> thats okay with you? 
> For starters - what are your settings looking like? In particular I'm 
> interested in node-ttl-seconds and report-ttl-seconds. 
> FYI there are a few actions that occur when gc kicks in: 
> * sweeping stale nodes 
> * sweeping stale reports 
> * removing any unassociated data (catalogs or params) 
> It would be useful to find out which of these are taking up the most 
> amount of your time. 
> I wouldn't mind a dump of your logs when in a specific debug mode if 
> thats at all possible, this should give me a rough idea of the time 
> the sweeper spends doing its various deletes so I can at least get a 
> focus on your issue. In particular the bits between 'Starting database 
> garbage collection' and 'Finished database garbage collection'. 
> The easiest way to get some debugging is to modify your 
> log4j.properties (usually in /etc/puppetdb) and add the line: 
> log4j.logger.com.jolbox.bonecp=DEBUG 
> This will log *ALL* SQL statements, so it might be heavy - I'm not 
> sure if you can isolate one of your nodes for this purpose or somehow 
> mitigate this risk ... we only need a heavy GC run, it probably 
> doesn't need to be actively receiving requests and such ... 
> ken. 
> On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 4:12 PM, Chuck <css...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote: 
> > 
> > 
> > On Tuesday, January 15, 2013 9:55:48 AM UTC-6, Ken Barber wrote: 
> >> 
> >> > Well I currently have 7,000 nodes in my PuppetDB instance and 8 
> puppetdb 
> >> > servers in various geographic locations.   The garbage collect seems 
> to 
> >> > be a 
> >> > pretty intensive operation on the Postgres DB server in the current 
> >> > design. 
> >> 
> >> Thats a shame to hear. What's the impact for you? I see from your 
> >> screenshot its averaging 16 seconds, is that what you are seeing? 
> > 
> > 
> > This is normally what we see 8 times of course. 
> > 
> >> 
> >> > We have also been having an issue that started at the beginning of 
> 2013 
> >> > that 
> >> > we have not been able to narrow down at this time (we were on 
> puppetdb 
> >> > 1.0.1 
> >> > for a long time with no issues.   Updated to 1.0.5 last week with no 
> >> > improvement) 
> >> 
> >> This issue, is it related to the gc problem or something else? Can you 
> >> elaborate? 
> >> 
> > We are still trying to determine what is happening.  We just see a huge 
> > spike in the number of rows being deleted. 
> > 
> >> 
> >> > I was planning on having my puppet manifest, for the puppetdb 
> servers, 
> >> > elect 
> >> > one or two master puppetdb servers by querying for active puppetdb 
> >> > servers. 
> >> > So I would be dynamically electing the master(s) based on an 
> algorithm. 
> >> 
> >> Sounds good to me. Do you want to raise a feature request for this? 
> > 
> > 
> > Yeah I can do that. 
> > 
> >> 
> >> http://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/puppetdb 
> >> 
> >> Just more or less cover what you've said about wanting to disable by 
> >> setting to zero. I've already more or less got a patch that can 
> >> disable it when zero (its really just a conditional clause in the 
> >> right place), but I haven't done any thorough testing or gotten review 
> >> on it yet. 
> >> 
> >> ken. 
> > 
> > -- 
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