On Tuesday, January 15, 2013 4:56:13 AM UTC-6, Vladimir Rutsky wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 6:14 PM, jcbollinger 
> <john.bo...@stjude.org<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> On Friday, January 11, 2013 4:45:49 AM UTC-6, Vladimir Rutsky wrote:
>>> Can you suggest solution to my problem?
>> Generally speaking, the Puppet way of approaching such problems is to 
>> have all the relevant resources draw on the same data, instead of some 
>> resources getting it indirectly from others.  The data may reside in an 
>> external source and be accessed via a Puppet function, they may reside in 
>> one or more class variables, or they may be received in the form of 
>> definition parameters (or class parameters, though I advise against that).
>>> I want to create multiple Python virtual environments in different 
>>> directories and use files from them in other resources (like Django 
>>> installation and some other Python programs) in such way, that single 
>>> Python virtual environment can be used in multiple other resources.
>> Are you suggesting that some nodes will have multiple distinct Python 
>> environments, or just that Python environments of different nodes will 
>> differ?  It makes a big difference to which solution(s) I might recommend.
> Nodes can have multiple distinct Python environments. For example I want 
> test my python programs with multiple versions of libraries:
> Linux host:
>   virtualenv1 with LibA version 1.0, LibB version 2.0 - test programC, 
> programD
>   virtualenv2 with LibA version 0.1, LibB version 0.2 - test programC, 
> programD
> Windows host:
>   virtualenv1 with LibA version 1.0, LibB version 2.0 - test programC, 
> programD
>   virtualenv2 with LibA version 0.1, LibB version 0.2 - test programC, 
> programD
> So on each host I want to create two virtual environments, something like 
> this:
> node 'windows-testing-host', 'linux-testing-host' {
>   # Setup python with dependencies. Suppose "python" executable is added 
> in global path on Windows and Linux, so no problems with finding it.
>   class {'python': }
>   # Setup virtualenv1  
>   python::virtualenv::env { 'virtualenv1': }
>   # Setup virtualenv2
>   python::virtualenv::env { 'virtualenv2': }
>   # easy_install LibA v1.0, LibB v2.0 in virtualenv1 - needs path to 
> bin/easy_install or Scripts/easy_install.exe
>   ...
>   # easy_install LibA v1.0, LibB v2.0 in virtualenv2 - needs path to 
> bin/easy_install or Scripts/easy_install.exe
>   ...
>   # Install and test programC, programD in virtual environments
> }
> I'm new to Puppet and as temporary solution I done something like this:
> [...]

Someone with more Puppet experience would probably wrap that up a little 
more neatly, possibly by using hashes and defined types.  An experienced 
Puppeteer would certainly put all the logic in a class instead of in a node 
block, and would consider loading the data from an external source via 
hiera instead of encoding it directly into the manifest.  For example 
(leaving hiera out of it):

node default {
  include 'test::environments'

class test::environments {
  include 'test::params'

  # the 'keys' function comes from Puppetlabs 'stdlib'
  # add-in module
  $environments = keys($test::params::environment_config)

  # When a resource title is given as an array, it means one
  # resource instance for each element of the array
  test::environment { $environments: }

class test::params {
  $env_root = $osfamily ? { 'Windows' => 'C:/', default => '/' }

  # the parameters for each environment, and, via its keys,
  # a master list of the environments needed.  It would be
  # better to load this via hiera, though.
  $environment_config = {
    'env1' => {
      directory => "${env_root}env1",
      libA_version => '1.0',
      libB_version => '2.0'
    'env2' => {
      directory => "${env_root}env2",
      libA_version => '0.1',
      libB_version => '0.2'

# One virtual environment
define test::environment() {
  include 'python'

  $config = $test::params::environment_config[$name]

  python::virtualenv::env { $name:
    directory => $config['directory']

  libA { "$name_libA":
    virtualenv_dir => $config['directory']
    version => $config['libA_version']

  libB { "$name_libB":
    virtualenv_dir => $config['directory']
    version => $config['libB_version']

  programC { "$name_programC":
    virtualenv_dir => $config['directory']

  programD { "$name_programC":
    virtualenv_dir => $config['directory']

That's a bit shorter than your version, I think, but the most important 
distinction is that it is much less repetitive.  If the per-environment 
details were more complex, or there were more distinct virtual environments 
needed, then you would start seeing a lot of space savings, too.  Also, 
much greater maintainability.

Please do understand, though, that I don't put that forward as the One True 
Way.  I don't even suggest that it is necessarily the best way, but I hope 
it will serve as an adequate introduction to some of the techniques of 
data-driven configuration.


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