Hi Guys,

My manifest code looks pretty much like below:

  exec { 'sync-business-logic':
    path           => "/usr/bin:/bin:${bl_path}",
    cwd           => $bl_path,
    command   => 'sync-bl.pl',
    refreshonly => true,
    subscribe   => File[$sync_bl_files],

  file { $sync_bl_files:
    ensure  => file,
    require => Package[$dpx::package_name],

As you can see, my File[$sync_bl_files] resource does not have any source, 
because these files are installed by a package. These files change with a 
new version of the package. What I need is to be able to refresh the 
Exec['sync-business-logic'] resource when $sync_bl_files change.

It does not seem to work if there is no "source =>" specified.

Any ideas?

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