I'm sure i'm doing something incorrectly, I'm basing this off of what I've 
seen in other modules, but it's not working as I'd expect.

Specifically, If i change the parameters to server_config. My mongo.conf 
doesn't ever reflect that change.
As a matter of fact, I can delete mongo.conf and run puppet agent --test 
and it will not get replaced.

If i remove the "@@" it works correctly, (except i don't get the exported 
resource that I want to use elsewhere).

I've got a node:
node /^test\d+$/ {
  include stdlib
  include cc-mongo
  @@cc-mongo::server_config{ '$fqdn':
        sequence => 0}

and cc-mongo::server_config:
define cc-mongo::server_config (
  $replSet     = "$environment",
  $server_name = "$hostname",
  $ipaddress   = "$ipaddress",
  $sequence    = 0,
) {
  file { 'mongo.conf':
    path    => '/etc/mongod.conf',
    notify  => Service['mongod'],
    owner   => mongod,
    group   => mongod,
    mode    => 0640,
    content => template('cc-mongo/mongod.conf.erb');

Any suggestions would be great.


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