On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 2:56 PM, iamauser <tapas.sara...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Here is the output. Sorry I didn't get it the first time :)
> ]# su -s /bin/sh puppet -c "/usr/local/bin/enclassifier node_name"
> ---
> environment: production
> classes:
>    defaultcls:
>    dyd::agents:

Cool.  Okay, so you said initially that site.pp exists, but it's blank -
there's no default node at all.  Have you tried creating a blank default
node declaration (or one with a simple notify statement) to debug what's
going on?  I'd do that next just to rule out a missing default node causing
issues (I know there was a bug awhile back where Puppet threw a fit
whenever it didn't find a default node declaration, but I can't remember
how it was resolved).

> Thanks
> On Thursday, January 10, 2013 4:36:14 PM UTC-6, Gary Larizza wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 2:13 PM, iamauser <tapas....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Thursday, January 10, 2013 4:07:45 PM UTC-6, Gary Larizza wrote:
>>>> What happens when you run `/usr/local/bin/enclassifier node_name`as
>>>> the puppet user?
>>> This is what it prints out if I run it on puppet-server.
>>> ~]# /usr/local/bin/enclassfier node_name
>>> ---
>>> environment:
>>> classes:
>>>   - defaultcls
>>>   - dyd::agents
>> What user were you using to run that command?  I see the hash, so I
>> assume it's root.  Try running this as the 'puppet' user - does it spit out
>> the same thing?  Remember that Puppet runs the script as the user which is
>> running the puppet master service (which is usually 'puppet').  I just want
>> to clarify this before we go on :)
>>> To cross check whether puppetmaster is reading the external_nodes
>>> correctly, I tried the following command :
>>> ~]# puppet master --configprint external_nodes node_name
>>> /usr/local/bin/enclassifier
>>> Thanks
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>> --
>> Gary Larizza
>> Professional Services Engineer
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Gary Larizza
Professional Services Engineer

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