Good morning,

We've been testing PE and beginning developing modules for our 
infrastructure. One of the modules I'm looking to create is an installation 
for Splunk, with the primary focus at this time, on the Forwarder. I 
already have the splunkforwarder-5.0.1-143156-linux-2.6-amd64.deb package 
being fetched from the Master and also performing the installation via 
dpkg. I need help brainstorming/figuring out the best way to handle the 
rest of the installation/configuration commands. Here is the guide I was 
given to complete the installation for the Splunk Forwarder:

*dpkg -i splunkforwarder-5.0.1-143156-linux-2.6-amd64.deb*
*source /opt/splunkforwarder/bin/setSplunkEnv *
*splunk start*
*splunk add forward-server*
* Splunk username: admin*
* Password: password*
*splunk restart*
*splunk enable boot-start*
*cd /data/apps/ror/pws/current/log*
*splunk add monitor .*
*edit /opt/splunkforwarder/etc/apps/search/local/inputs.conf*
*Add the following lines:*
*inputs.conf for the web servers*
*disabled = false*
*disabled = false*
*sourcetype = est_appts*
*disabled = false*
*sourcetype = salesbooks*
*disabled = false*
*sourcetype = rails*
*disabled = false*
*sourcetype = call_attempts*
*disabled = false*
*sourcetype = call_selection*

I'm ok using a template/content parameter for handling the *
/opt/splunkforwarder/etc/apps/search/local/inputs.conf* file. What are some 
of the recommended ways for handling the install steps prior to the 
inputs.conf edits?



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