I started to look into this for JBoss - it uses an xml config file but the 
app itself makes changes to the file
when you deploy an application (in domain mode) - so using the normal file 
resource in puppet simply wouldn't work.

I found the Augeas documentation to be rather hard to get into (or even 
find).  I was expecting there to be
a straightforward (xpath-style?) lens for editing xml files but couldn't 
find anything.  There wasn't a JBoss AS lens
either, which again was surprising since JBoss is a RedHat product and it 
looks like Augeas is sponsored by RedHat.

In the end I found a workaround for JBoss so I can just use normal puppet 
File type, though my XPath thoughts
did make me wonder whether I ought to actually be looking for an xpath 
type/ resource/ plugin for puppet (sorry
for the incorrect terminology).  Augeas actually uses a syntax that looks a 
lot like xpath...

On Monday, January 7, 2013 11:34:16 PM UTC, Roman Shaposhnik wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 1:24 PM, Schofield <dbsch...@gmail.com<javascript:>> 
> wrote: 
> > I would like to use puppet classes to inject and/or replace xml elements 
> > into an existing xml configuration file.  This seems to me to be a 
> common 
> > problem already solved.  Can anyone suggest the easiest way to do this? 
> Well, the tool du jour for that would be augeas. That said, if the config 
> file actually happens to be under your manifest control fully (even though 
> different resources are depositing bits and pieces of configuration info 
> into it) you could go with virtual resource template and sed. 
> Thanks, 
> Roman. 

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