Thanks, that worked!
On 12/29/2012 09:38 PM, Maarten Thibaut (mthibaut) wrote:
I believe the onlyif "wins" in this case. Splitting it up into two statements
would be the right thing to do IMO.
It would also be cleaner, since they are in effect two different cases: stopped
(and in need of starting), and running (but in need of restart).
The fact that these both run the same command is incidental. Don't think
low-level, think high-level!
Sent from my iPhone
On 30 Dec 2012, at 03:27, "Jason Edgecombe" <> wrote:
I'm having trouble with an exec type. I'm using an exec type to start a buildbot slave. It's a long-running
pseudo-service. The exec uses the "refresh" and "onlyif". I think that the refresh
command isn't running because of the onlyif attribute. I would like a refresh event to fire even if the
"onlyif" attribute is in use. Any help is appreciated. Do I need to split it into two exec's (one
normal and another refreshonly)?
Here is a snippet from the type definition:
define buildbot::slave::instance( ..., $project_dir, ... ) {
$path = ['/usr/local/bin','/usr/bin','/bin']
$config_files = ["$project_dir/info/admin","$project_dir/info/host"]
# commands to work with the buildslave
$slave_install_command = "buildslave create-slave $project_dir $master_host_port
$slave_name $slave_password"
$slave_start_command = "buildslave start $project_dir"
$slave_restart_command = "buildslave restart $project_dir"
$slave_status_command = "/bin/kill -0 `/bin/cat $project_dir/`"
exec { $slave_start_command:
cwd => $project_dir,
path => $path,
user => $user,
group => $group,
unless => $slave_status_command,
refresh => $slave_restart_command,
require => File[$config_files],
subscribe => File[$config_files],
Here is part of the debug log:
Filebucketed /home/buildslave/buildbot/openafs/info/ad
min to puppet with sum 2f840fdf8acf7c334c293c9da0879721
content changed '{md5}2f840fdf8acf7c334c293c9da0879721' to
Scheduling refresh of Exec[buildslave start /home/buildslave/buildbot/openafs]
The container Buildbot::Slave::Instance[openafs1] will propagate my refresh
Debug: Exec[buildslave start
/home/buildslave/buildbot/openafs](provider=posix): Executing check '/bin/kill
-0 `/bin/cat /home/buildslave/buildbot/openafs/`'
Debug: Executing '/bin/kill -0 `/bin/cat
Debug: Exec[buildslave start
/home/buildslave/buildbot/openafs](provider=posix): Executing check '/bin/kill
-0 `/bin/cat /home/buildslave/buildbot/openafs/`'
Debug: Executing '/bin/kill -0 `/bin/cat
/Stage[main]//Buildbot::Slave::Instance[openafs1]/Exec[buildslave start
/home/buildslave/buildbot/openafs]: Triggered 'refresh' from 1 events
Debug: /Stage[main]//Buildbot::Slave::Instance[openafs1]/Exec[buildslave start
/home/buildslave/buildbot/openafs]: The container
Buildbot::Slave::Instance[openafs1] will propagate my refresh event
Debug: Buildbot::Slave::Instance[openafs1]: The container Class[Main] will
propagate my refresh event
Debug: Class[Main]: The container Stage[main] will propagate my refresh event
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