Backgrond: I'm one of two unix admins, we 'own' 150 unix hosts. Most Solaris, but we're starting to transition from that to Oracle Linux.
I've got my puppet 2.7 running 'ok' on my test hosts, have spent a fair bit of my time since September getting up to speed on Puppet. Starting January I'll be ready to start rolling them out to my development, then production, hosts. Our deployment will be gradual, and slowly moving services and hosts from managed by bash script to managed by puppet as time permits. I'm taking advantage of the holidays to check my assumptions on 'how' I'm building Puppet. My goals are - Enable my partner to understand 'what' I'm up to i.e. make it as self-documenting as possible - Ditto the three other guys on my team who assist us in Unix chores part-time, and are our backups. - Prevent the whole mess from turning into a snarled yarn-ball. Questions: Would it be better pause for a few weeks and upgrade to Puppet 2.7 > 3 now? Is there consensus on the best way to avoid a yarn-ball of messy code? -- Brian Dunbar "Display some adaptability" -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at