I have problem with my class when the archive is changed and the service is 
not restarted when i apply change and run the puppet agent, I have the next 

* err: /Stage[main]/Spam_rule/Exec[zmamavisdctl]: Failed to call refresh: 
/opt/zimbra/bin/zmamavisdctl returned 1 instead of one of [0] at 

Note: The change that i written in the archive (*
/etc/puppet//modules/spam_rule/99_rules.cf*) is applied to puppet agent the 
problem is only refresh (restart) to resource.

My class is "spam_rule" (/etc/puppet/modules/spam_rule/manifests/init.pp)
*class spam_rule {*
*if $TypeSrv == "zimbra" {*
*# global perms*
*File {*
*  owner => zimbra,*
*  group => zimbra,*
*  mode  => 644,*
*# create rule archive*
*file { "/opt/zimbra/conf/spamassassin/99_rule.cf":*
*    ensure => file,*
*    source => "puppet:///modules/spam_rule/99_rules.cf",*
*   # notify  => Exec["zmamavisdctl"],*
*# define the service to restart*
*exec { "zmamavisdctl":*
*    refreshonly => true,*
*    command => "/opt/zimbra/bin/zmamavisdctl",*
*    subscribe => File["/opt/zimbra/conf/spamassassin/99_rules.cf"],*
*# globals perms*
*File {*
*  owner => mailcleaner,*
*  group => mailcleaner,*
*  mode  => 644,*
*# create rules archive*
*file { "/usr/mailcleaner/share/spamassassin/99_rules.cf":*
*    ensure => file,*
*    source => "puppet:///modules/spam_rule/99_rules.cf",*
* }*
*# service restart*
*exec { "mailscanner":*
*    refreshonly => true,*
*    command => "/usr/mailcleaner/etc/init.d/mailscanner",*
*    subscribe => File["/usr/mailcleaner/share/spamassassin/99_rules.cf"],*
* *

*My site.pp (/etc/puppet/manifests/)*


#all mailcleaner  
node /^mailcleaner.*$/ {
include spam_rule

node 'mail.example.com' {
include spam_rule



¿Some suggestion?


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