On Monday, December 17, 2012 4:13:40 PM UTC-6, Dawn Foster wrote:
> Today, we are launching the beta version of a new question and answer 
> site where you can ask any Puppet questions or provide answers for 
> questions from other Puppet users and developers. 
> The idea is to give you another way to ask questions if you aren’t a 
> fan of mailing lists or IRC. It’s similar to a forum, but is more like 
> Stack Overflow. You can get a good feel for the type of questions 
> people are asking by visiting the Ask site now: 
> https://ask.puppetlabs.com. 

I hope the new help channel is successful.


> With the focus on asking questions, it is a little harder for people 
> to digress into endless debates. However, the main benefit is that 
> great answers and knowledge live on, and it gives us a better place to 
> point people for good answers than mailing list archives. Because this 
> Q&A site lives on puppetlabs.com, you can easily do a google search 
> with site:puppetlabs.com along with your query to find answers to 
> questions along with relevant documentation and other information all 
> in the same location. 

At the same time, a Google group such as this one is also similar to a 
forum if you access it via the web interface, and there is already a 
community coalesced here.  The majority of new threads here are questions, 
and as far as I know, the group's archives are preserved indefinitely.  
Although we do have debates from time to time, that seems a small 
proportion of the traffic.  And although the group is hosted at Google, 
it's controlled by PL staff.  Plus, I can get the group delivered to my 
mailbox if that's the way I want it.

So I guess I'm saying I don't really understand what makes 
ask.puppetlabs.com different, or why it makes sense to establish another 
PL-controlled, community-based assistance resource.  Or, indeed, why I 
should be interested in answering questions over there when I already do 
that here.

I do hope the project is successful, as I said, and I apologize for being a 
wet blanket.


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