On Tuesday, October 2, 2012 9:28:09 AM UTC+10, Matthaus Litteken wrote:
> The puppet 3 gem requires hiera, whose latest version requires json, 
> which can be either json (a c extension), or json_pure (a ruby 
> implementation). If it is the c extension, make and gcc are required 
> to build the c components. The mkmf error usually indicates that make 
> and/or gcc are unavailable. 

I am also encountering this issue but using json_pure doesn't help -

# gem install --local json_pure-1.7.5.gem hiera-1.1.1.gem puppet-3.0.1.gem
Successfully installed json_pure-1.7.5
ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Gem::DependencyError)
    Unable to resolve dependencies: hiera requires json (>= 0)

Meanwhile, a requirement for there to be a C compiler on every host seems 
to be insane.

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