Thanks for your complete answer! I used the inline_template method which is 
good enough for me

On Friday, December 14, 2012 3:17:24 PM UTC+1, jcbollinger wrote:
> On Thursday, December 13, 2012 9:48:44 AM UTC-6, Sven vd wrote:
>> This works when using the variable inside a template.
>> But I want to use the variable in an Exec command. How to remove the 
>> newline here? .chomp does not seem to work here.
> No, it wouldn't.  The 'chomp' is a method of Ruby's String class.  It 
> works in the embedded Ruby context in a template, but it is not part of the 
> Puppet DSL, so it does not work for ordinary variable interpolation.
> The underlying problem is that the generate() command you are using is 
> outputting a trailing newline that gets incorporated into the resulting 
> value.  That's not too surprising, as it is good form for programs (such as 
> whatever external command you are running) to terminate their output with a 
> newline.
> You have two main options:
>    1. Modify the command in some way or filter its output to remove the 
>    newline before it reaches Puppet
>    2. Remove the newline inside Puppet
> I leave you to figure out (1) on your own.  You have multiple approaches 
> available for (2).  The easiest built into Puppet is to use a template, 
> probably via the inline_template() function:
>   $result_line = generate('my command')
>   $result = inline_template('<%= @result_line.chomp %>')
> That's a little ugly, though.  If you have or are willing to install 
> Puppetlabs' "stdlib" add-on module, then it provides a chomp() function in 
> Puppet.  With that, you could replace the second line above with:
>   $result = chomp($result_line)
> Note well that Puppet variables can only be assigned values once each.  
> That's why my examples use two variables ($result_line and $result).
> John

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