
I malformed my question.
This is a hint in the right direction.


On Thursday, 13 December 2012 11:26:20 UTC+1, Luke Bigum wrote:
> Romain, I am confused.
> In your first post you said you need to check if a package exists on the 
> "Agent", the Puppet client.
> Now below you say you need the check executed on the Master.
> Facts are executed on the Agents and only ever on Agents. If you want to 
> check for something on a client/agent machine, you use a Fact, like the one 
> you posted below.
> If you want to execute arbitrary code on the Master (during catalogue 
> compilation) probably the simplest thing you are after is the Generate 
> function:
> http://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/latest/function.html#generate
> On linux, I would use something that looks a bit like this:
> class woof {
>   $file_exists = generate('/bin/test', '-f', 
> '/softw4pc/Misc/pfoleproxy/pfoleproxy*.txt')
>   if $file_exists {
>   ...
>   }
> }
> There are other ways you can execute arbitrary code, like embedded Ruby 
> with the inline_template() function, pure Ruby manifests, or bury the code 
> somehow in a custom type and provider.
> Does that help?
> -Luke
> On Thursday, December 13, 2012 6:46:07 AM UTC, Romain Gales wrote:
>> The facter should be executed on the server instead on the client.
>> On Thursday, December 13, 2012 1:29:23 AM UTC+1, Jakov Sosic wrote:
>>> On 11/28/2012 09:46 PM, Romain Gales wrote: 
>>> > there is what i tried: 
>>> > 
>>> > # getpfoleproxyver.rb 
>>> > # 
>>> > Facter.add(:getpfoleproxyver) do 
>>> >   setcode do 
>>> >       Facter::Util::Resolution.exec('basename `ls 
>>> > /softw4pc/Misc/pfoleproxy/pfoleproxy*.txt`') 
>>> >   end 
>>> > end 
>>> > 
>>> > the fact is working fine, but how to use this in my manifest? 
>>> > i tried a lot but it was always empty? 
>>> > 
>>> > $getpfoleproxyver should be correct, no? 
>>> Are you sure it's working on the client? You can see the value when you 
>>> type facter -p | grep getpfoleproxyver 
>>> ? 

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