Hi Craig,

thx for that hint.
Now I added a second capistrano task:
cap invoke SUDO=1 COMMAND="/sbin/service puppetmasterd restart"

That works so far!


On Tuesday, December 11, 2012 4:44:01 PM UTC+1, Marco Schröder wrote:
> Hi group,
> I'm using capistrano to deploy my puppet manifests to the puppet master 
> server.
> Capistrano copies the new files on the server in a 'releases' directory 
> and after that just changes the 'current' symlink to the new version.
> (/usr/share/puppet/configuration/current  in my case)
> This works very well so far.
> Unfortunately the master seems to have problems with that symlink change 
> until I restart the puppetmaster daemon.
> If I do not restart the master daemon the clients are getting error 
> messages complaining that the master does not provide any configuration:
> err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: 
> Could not find class example for server.example.domain
> After manually restart of master daemon, everything works again.
> Here are some of my master's config dirs:
> puppet master --configprint libdir
> /var/lib/puppet/lib
> puppet master --configprint confdir
> /usr/share/puppet/configuration/current
> puppet master --configprint modulepath
> /usr/share/puppet/configuration/current/modules
> Anyone an idea what's going wrong here?
> Thx,
> Marco

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