Hello I'm trying to push PS1 variable at .bashrc file 

    exec { 'GIT PS1 Variable':
    cwd => '/home/developer/.bashrc',
    command => '/bin/echo "PS1='[\u@\h \W\$(__git_ps1  " \"" (%s)"\"")]\$ ' 
" >> /home/developer/.bashrc',
    user => developer,
    group => developer,

But client side  I get 

Dec 11 10:15:43 glb7240 puppet-agent[19762]: Could not retrieve catalog 
from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Syntax error at '['; expected ']' 
at /etc/puppet/modules/defaults/manifests/bash-extras.pp:53

If I copy command it work perfectly. Any toughs  ? 

Thanks. Appreciate. 

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