How about creating a processorcorecount and processorthreadcount with
"correct" meanings? That then leaves the option to deprecate

I've realised that at some point in the past I have created a
processorthreadcount fact because I needed a consistent source of this
information on both Solaris and Linux.

On 7 December 2012 00:58, Alex Harvey <> wrote:
>> I prefer the core count definition, but whatever it is, it should be
>> consistent between Linux and Solaris.
> Yes it certainly should be the same on all platforms - the question is if we
> change it who is going to be impacted and how can we manage the change?  I
> believe the vast majority of Puppet users run linux so probably the Solaris
> code needs to be changed to conform to the linux rather than vice versa.
> Unless lots of people think the linux fact is in fact the one that's
> 'wrong'?
> --
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