On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 9:29 PM, Peter Brown <rendhal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 5 December 2012 21:10, Vaidas Jablonskis <jablons...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Wednesday, 5 December 2012 02:10:00 UTC, Pete wrote:
>>> On 4 December 2012 21:17, Vaidas Jablonskis <jablo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> One last question.
>>> I use a node level variable to specify the location of a node.
>>> I use this for setting variables specific to that location like different
>>> puppet master ip and nagios ip for the office and such.
>>> I want to use that variable in hiera for the same purpose.
>>> I have this in my hiera.yaml file.
>>> ---
>>> :hierachy:
>>>   - %{::clientcert}
>>>   - %{::environment}
>>>   - %{location}
>>>   - virtual_%{::is_virtual}
>>>   - common
>>> :backends: yaml
>>> :yaml:
>>>   :datadir: /etc/puppet/hieradata
>>> it gets data from the common.yaml file but is seems to not get anything
>>> from any of the other files.
>>> it's definitely using the datadir because thats where the common.yaml
>>> file is as well as the rest of the data files.
>>> Am I missing something?
>> When you specify variables in hiera.yaml configuration file, then they are
>> facts, not actual Puppet variables. So in this case you have it wrong.
>> Instead of %{::environment}, use %{environment}, because a fact is always
>> going to be a top scope variable.
> That doesn't seem to work either...
> I tried putting in another entry called extra (no var just the name) and it
> didn't get used either.
> So it's like it's not using anything that isn't called common.yaml
> So my guess is it's not the variables it's something else.
> Anyone got any ideas?
> Or some docs I can dredge through?

hiera generates great traces if you enable it.  I *think* you enable
debug on the master to turn it on, but there might be something else
you have to do.  If all else fails, the code is actually pretty

Chad M. Huneycutt

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