Hi again,

It seems github is a better option as they have an issue tracker.


On 5 December 2012 13:30, Peter Brown <rendhal...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Gav,
> I just put my nrpe module up on gitorious.
> https://gitorious.org/rendhalver-puppet/nrpe
> I had to pull out my nrpe::firewall class for now because it uses my
> firewall module which I will be releasing at some point as well.
> I tagged the stable release as v1.0 so if you are going to clone it check
> out that tag if you prefer.
> The docs are non-existent as yet but the code is pretty self explanatory.
> it sets up nrpe on a node and you use the nrpe::plugin define to add new
> services.
> I use nrpe::params to set my variables so you need something in your node
> like this to set those.
> You can of course use hiera if you prefer.
> include nrpe
> class {'nrpe::params':
>   nagios_extra_plugins => '/srv/scripts/nagios',
>   nagios_ips => '',
> }
> You can also set the port, user and group nrpe runs as as well as a few
> other vars.
> the nrpe::plugin works something like this.
> class monitoring::service::disk ( $ensure = $nagios_ensure, $host_name =
> $nagios_host_name, $service_type = 'standard_service', $notifications =
> $nagios_notifications ) {
>   @@nagios_service { "${host_name}_disk":
>     ensure          => $ensure,
>     use           => $service_type,
>     host_name       => $host_name,
>     service_description   => 'DISK',
>     servicegroups     => $nagios_host_type ? { 'nonotify_server' =>
> 'system', default => 'system,important_email' },
>     check_command     => 'check_nrpe!check_disk',
>     contact_groups      => $nagios_sms_alerts ? { false =>
> 'admins,linux_admins', true => 'admins,linux_admins,linux_admin_sms' },
>     notifications_enabled => $notifications ? { default => undef, false =>
> 0 },
>     register        => 1,
>     notify          => Service[nagios],
>     tag           => "nagios_${monitoring_server}",
>   }
>   nrpe::plugin { 'disk':
>     ensure      => $ensure,
>     plugin      => 'main',
>     sudo => true, # you will need an sudo rule for that.
>     check_command => 'check_disk -w 20% -c 10% --all',
>     notify      => Class['nrpe::service'],
>   }
> }
> That is how I use that define in my monitoring class which will get
> released as well once I split out the nagios code into it's own module.
> if you find any bugs please let me know and I shall fix them as soon as I
> can.
> I will be putting it on puppet forge as well once I work out how that
> works.
> Hope that helps.
> If anyone else is keen to try it out let me know how it goes.
> Pete.
> On 5 December 2012 09:26, Peter Brown <rendhal...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 4 December 2012 17:05, fatmcgav <fatmc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Pete
>>> Sounds good to me... N be easier than me re-inventing the wheel...
>>> Would be happy to guinea pig... :)
>> Awesome.
>> I have an account on gitorious which I am going to use to put my code on.
>> Gimme a bit to get my module cleaned up and make sure it works by itself.
>> Will let you know when it's up there.
>> Pete.
>>> Cheers
>>> Gav
>>> On 3 December 2012 23:56, Peter Brown <rendhal...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Gavin,
>>>> I have a module i wrote that seems like it will do what you need.
>>>> I also have a nagios module that uses it to setup nrpe services on each
>>>> node and exports nagios checks to be imported into a nagios instance.
>>>> I basically setup nrpe on each node to use a config directory and have
>>>> a define that uses templates to generate each nrpe service that need to be
>>>> setup.
>>>> My nagios module needs some rewriting before I will be happy releasing
>>>> it.
>>>> The nrpe module is pretty much good to go though.
>>>> It can also use sudo, also managed by another module I have (Yeah I
>>>> have a lot olf modules and most of them talk to other modules I wrote)
>>>> I am going start putting my stuff on github and puppet forge as soon as
>>>> I have them ready.
>>>> Are you interested in being a guinea pig?
>>>> :)
>>>> Pete.
>>>> On 3 December 2012 21:47, Gavin Williams <fatmc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Morning all
>>>>> I've had a quick google, but couldn't find anything useful for our
>>>>> scenario...
>>>>> Basically, we use Nagios & NRPE in our environment, along with a
>>>>> hand-full of in-house written plugins specific to our applications etc...
>>>>> These scripts change on a fairly regular basis, so hand rolling a RPM
>>>>> each time is too much work as far as i'm concerned...
>>>>> So I can easily get NRPE installed on a node using Puppet... However
>>>>> what I'm struggling with is getting all the plugins synced over aswell...
>>>>> One suggestion I read was to use a file resource, however I've also
>>>>> read about severe performance issues when working with tens of files...
>>>>> I dont really want to have to create some kind of NFS file share to
>>>>> distribute the files...
>>>>> So, any other ideas?
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> Gavin
>>>>> P.S. Env consists of a single 3.0 Puppet Master, currently with about
>>>>> a dozen nodes connected, but this will rapidly increase once we start full
>>>>> roll-out...
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