
> I am trying to use nested classes but for whatever reason it doesn't work.
> Here's my site.pp file:
> include stdlib
> include apt
> node 'zenoss.example.com' {
>   include mock
> }
> class mock {
>   class my_file {
>     file { '/tmp/test':
>       ensure  => present,
>       content => "Just testing to see if 'This' is working",
>     }
>   }
>   apt::source { "debian-squeeze":
>     location          => "http://ftp.jp.debian.org/debian/";,
>     release           => "squeeze",
>     repos             => "main contrib non-free",
>     include_src       => false,
>   }
> }
> The problem is when I run it, the apt repository is added but the file is
> not. What am I doing wrong?
Nested classes are not automatically included.

Try including your nested class explicitly ,after apt:source:

include my_file

Alternatively, you don't need to do that just for a file. Simply put your
"file" resource directly within the "mock" class.

I hope it helps. Best regards.

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