I'm setting up a simple application management with corosync via the 
puppetlabs module. 

What SHOULD happen is: 

1. Ip gets brought up
2. jboss gets brought up

I have defined the resources like this: 

    cs_primitive { 'applayer_ip':
      primitive_class     => 'ocf',
      primitive_type      => 'IPaddr2',
      provided_by         => 'heartbeat',
      parameters          => {
        'ip' => "$servicelayer::jbossip",
        'cidr_netmask' => "$servicelayer::jbossmask",
      operations          => { 'monitor' => { 'interval' => '10s' } },
      ensure              => 'present',

    cs_primitive { 'applayer_jboss':
      primitive_class     => 'lsb',
      primitive_type      => 'jboss',
      provided_by         => 'heartbeat',
      operations          => {
        'monitor'         => { 'interval' => '1min', 'timeout' => '30s' },
        'start'           => { 'interval' => '30s', 'timeout' => '30s', 
'on-fail' => 'restart' },
        'stop'            => { 'interval' => '30s', 'timeout' => '30s', 
'on-fail' => 'restart' },
      require             => Cs_primitive['applayer_ip'],
      metadata            => {'target-role' => "Started"},
      ensure              => present,
    cs_colocation { 'jboss_with_ip':
      primitives          => [ 'applayer_ip', 'applayer_jboss' ],

    cs_order { 'jboss_ip_before_jboss':
    first   => 'applayer_ip',
    second  => 'applayer_jboss',
    require => Cs_colocation['jboss_with_ip'],

The puppet run succeeds and appears to apply everything without any errors. 

However, when I check the status of the cluster, jboss is up and running 
while the IP is not: 

Last updated: Fri Nov 30 21:46:51 2012
Last change: Fri Nov 30 21:28:41 2012 via cibadmin on test1.prod1
Stack: openais
Current DC: test1.prod1 - partition WITHOUT quorum
Version: 1.1.6-3.el6-a02c0f19a00c1eb2527ad38f146ebc0834814558
1 Nodes configured, 2 expected votes
1 Resources configured.

Online: [ test1.prod1 ]

applayer_jboss  (lsb:jboss):    Started test1.prod1 (unmanaged) FAILED

Failed actions:
    applayer_jboss_stop_0 (node=test1.prod1, call=4, rc=1, 
status=complete): unknown error

Unfortunately I am not fantastically experienced with either puppet or 
corosync, so it's entirely possible that I'm doing something silly - but if 
I manually add the IP on the command line, corosync brings it up and 
manages it normally (with the same arguments exactly). So it seems like the 
module is doing something funny here. 


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