On Tuesday, November 27, 2012 8:27:37 AM UTC-6, Matthew Burgess wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 2:09 PM, Alaric <paxind...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote: 
> > Yup, I get the same error: 
> > 
> > /usr/bin/ruby: symbol lookup error: 
> /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/x86_64-linux/json/ext/parser.so: undefined 
> symbol: RSTRING_PTR 
> > 
> > 
> > My one thought is that maybe my version stdlib is old... I checked and 
> it's version 2.3.1 I'll give it an upgrade and see if that helps, it's just 
> weird that on the RHEL6 servers nothing seems off. 
> This looks like your version of Ruby is too old. 
> RSTRING_PTR was added to Ruby-1.8.6, but RHEL5 and its clones only 
> provide Ruby-1.8.5.  I use Ruby-1.8.7 available from 
> http://yum.theforeman.org/development/el5/x86_64/. 

That makes sense, somewhat.  It would constitute a pretty weird packaging 
issue, because rpmbuild normally does a very good job of identifying 
library version dependencies, and yum and rpm are very reliable about 
ensuring dependencies are installed (unless you start overriding them, in 
which case all bets are off).

Do you have more than one version of Ruby installed on the affected systems?


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