I've got an exported exec that looks like:

 38         @@exec { "commvault_subclient_$hostname":
39 command => "/usr/local/sbin/commvault_auto_subclient --touchstamp /srv/mnt/.$hostname_commvault_backed_up $hostname",
 40             creates => "/srv/mnt/.$hostname_commvault_backed_up",
 41             tag => "commvault_nfs_subclient"
 42         }

Elsewhere I've got some manifest to collect these:

 90     # Collect the exec's that automatically setup commvault backups
 91     Exec <<| tag == 'commvault_nfs_subclient' |>>

But on the host that has that collection, I'm not seeing the resulting script run (which creates the file mentioned as the --touchstamp argument). It's like the collection is silently failing.

I'm not sure how to debug this. Other exported resources are working, I'm successfully doing:
    @@nagios_host { $hostname:
        address => $ipaddress,
        use => 'linux-host',
        alias => $hostname,
    @@nagios_service { "$hostname-ping":
        use => 'alive-service',
        host_name => $hostname,

And collecting them with:
    Nagios_service <<| |>>
    Nagios_host <<| |>>

I'm also seeing in my mysql database entries in the 'resources' table that have restype='Exec' and have a title like commvault_subclient_webapp01.

I'm running puppet 2.6.2 on the master and the involved clients. Any suggestions?

Geoff Crompton

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