On Nov 20, 2012, at 4:15 PM, Laurence Cope wrote:

> Hi
> I am trying to install a yum repo using puppet, so they can install a 
> package. But i am struggling. I cannot find much help online at all. 
> The only code I got working was as follows, but it works first time, but 
> additional times it gives an error due to it being installed. Does it matter 
> I get Resource failed messages due to it being installed, or is there a check 
> to see if its installed, or am I using the wrong code? All other code I found 
> online gavce errors and does not even create it. 
> Thanks 
> class yum
> {
>       define packages::repo_release ($source) {
>               exec { $name:
>                       command =>"/bin/rpm -ivh ${source}",
>                       creates => "/etc/yum.repos.d/${name}.repo",
>               }
>       }
>       packages::repo_release { "virtualmin":
>               source =>
> "http://software.virtualmin.com/bleed/centos/5/i386/virtualmin-bleed-release-1.0-1.rhel.noarch.rpm";,
>       }
> }

You'll want to use the yumrepo resource, documented here:


Here's an example of a basic yumrepo block:

yumrepo { "myrepo":
    baseurl => 
    descr => "My Local Repo",
    enabled => 1,
    gpgcheck => 0,


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