On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 1:54 PM, Laurence Cope
<amitywebsoluti...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> you will need to create your own Yum repository, have Puppet configure yum
>> to make use of that repo, then create a manifest that installs the package.
> Ah right... this bit helps a lot. never thought of creating an own repo,
> that makes sense now. so if its in a repo puppet can do it. I will look into
> that, and also request Virtualmin do it because I asked them about this on
> their forum, but they had no experience with Puppet. Makes sense for it to
> come from a repo they manage.

I generally favour my own private yum repositories rather than
upstream repositories for the following reasons:

1) Most client environments I've worked in have no Internet access; or
if they do it'll just be 1 or 2 servers, of which neither will be my
Puppet/Yum server.
2) I can control what versions of which packages are installed when
the Puppet manifest states 'ensure=>latest'.  With a public
repository, I'd be at the mercy of the upstream vendor; as soon as
they release a new package all of my systems would be upgraded with no
testing/staging possible (there was a fairly recent thread in this
group when PuppetLabs released puppet-3.0 into the same repository as
puppet-2.x.  It caught a lot of folks out).  This can be mitigated, of
course, by using 'ensure=>installed', but then that means upgrades are
3) It's quicker; your internal network should be much faster and more
reliable than going out to the wider Internet.



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