Thanks John for your very interesting reply.

On Tuesday, November 6, 2012 4:13:03 PM UTC-5, jcbollinger wrote:
> On Tuesday, November 6, 2012 11:04:46 AM UTC-6, Bruno Leon wrote:
>> Hello, 
>> since Puppet 3 hiera is doing auto variable lookup for classes, which in 
>> my 
>> view makes the code much clearer simply because we can use 
>>         include foo 
>> instead of 
>>         class { 'foo': 
>>                 param1 => value, 
>>                 param2 => value, 
>>          } 
> There are other advantages to using 'include', too, so bravo!
>> However, AFAIK there is no such feature as auto looking parameters for 
>> defined 
>> type. 
>> A common case is multiple vhost in Apache.
> You already started answering your own question when you wrote 
> "multiple".  For a similar feature to work for defined types, it has to be 
> able to identify keys to use to lookup parameters for a given instance, 
> preferably without risk of colliding with classes or other defined-type 
> instances.

Actually the point was that the first key would be the defined type, which 
then has a "subkey" for each instance.
There is a risk of collision between defined type and class names, but that 
is already the case within Puppet language anyway.

>> Even though you can have apache installed as simply as "include apache", 
>> you 
>> still have a lot of define (one per vhost), possibly each with different 
>> parameters. 
>> Would it be possible to have hiera looking up for a hash of parameters. 
>> Something like this in hiera: 
>> --- 
>> apache_vhost: 
>>         website1: 
>>                 web_param1: 'foo' 
>>                 web_param2: 'bar' 
>>         website2: 
>>                 web_param1: 'another_foor' 
>>                 web_param2: 'another_bar' 
>> And in the manifest, this would be invoked as simply as: 
>> node "test" { 
>>         include apache 
>>         apache_vhost { 'website1': } 
>>         apache_vhost { 'website2': } 
>> } 
>> Any ideas on this ? Any plans of implementation ? 
> You can do something very like what you describe via the built-in 
> create_resources() function.  Given the data exactly as you structured it 
> in your example, you could do this:
> # load the vhost data as a hash of hashes
> $vhost_data = hiera('apache_vhost')
> # declare the apache_vhost instances
> create_resources('apache_vhost', $vhost_data)
> # (that's it)
> See 
> more information.

This sound quite perfect for me, I'll give it a try ! 


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