Yup, this is the classes-can't-contain-classes problem. It sucks, everyone 
runs into it eventually, and it's explained in detail here: 



You'll need to use the "anchor pattern" 
to ensure that the interior classes get "held" in place inside their 
wrapper class. 

The platform development team uses votes in our issue tracker to help 
decide what they'll focus on next. If this problem bothered you a lot, 
please vote for issue 8040 here: http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/8040

Sorry for the inconvenience, and good luck. 


On Monday, November 5, 2012 8:51:28 PM UTC-8, Hiu wrote:
> hi all,
> How are you? I have a question on the class dependencies.
> This is my init.pp script looks like
> class mapr {
>         Class['mapr::install'] -> Class["mapr::config"]
>         include mapr::install,
>                 mapr::config
> }
> In my mapr::install class i have another few lines of includes statement 
> to install different packages. Same goes to mapr::config. My Class 
> dependency is not working at all when i put 
>  Class['mapr::install'] -> Class["mapr::config"]
> It executed config first before install, which is the one that i wish to 
> do. 
> can anyone educate me on this? thanks! 

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