On Friday, November 2, 2012 7:14:14 AM UTC-5, Erwin Bogaard wrote:
> As there is no response, maybe some extra info:
> For classes I use 'inherits' to apply multiple classes to one resource. 
> For defines I can't find a similar technique. Is there one?

Perhaps there are no responses because your question is difficult to 
understand.  I don't think you are using Puppet jargon in the conventional 

In particular, you do not apply defines to resources, though you can apply 
instances of defined types (which instances are resources) to nodes.  
Likewise, you certainly do not apply classes to resources (though classes 
can and normally do declare resources); rather, you apply classes to nodes.

Furthermore, there is no general issue with applying multiple distinct 
instances of the same or different defined types to any given node.  You 
can, however, cause yourself trouble in that area with the way you write 
the defines.  To help you troubleshoot such an issue we would need to see 
some details of the definitions.
Finally, *do not use class inheritance to combine classes*.  Instead, use 
the 'include' function, which is expressly for that purpose.  Be aware that 
'include' expresses a logical inclusion, not a textual one (i.e. it is 
*not*analogous to the C preprocessor's #include directive), therefore it does 
not cause multiple definition of the named class.  Example:

class mymodule::class1 {
  # resource declarations ...

class mymodule::class2 {
  include 'mymodule::class1'
  # other resource declarations ...


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