I'm not entirely certain, but do you think this could be a variant of this


If so, could you please upvote the bug, watch it, and update it with
information about how it's impacting you?


On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 9:52 AM, Justin Lambert <
jlamb...@infiniteviewtech.com> wrote:

> One other issue I have I can't figure out (that is potentially related), I
> have a module backups which passes all tests and uses the concat module.
>  Anything else that uses a backups define fails with the error:
> Failure/Error: it { should create_exec('initialize repo') }
>      Puppet::Error:
>        Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error ArgumentError:
> Invalid resource type concat at
> /Users/jlambert/Documents/puppet/gitolite/spec/fixtures/modules/backups/manifests/archive.pp:16
> on node jlambertmbp.local
> Concat is included in the .fixtures for both the backups module and
> everything using it.
> On Oct 30, 2012, at 11:54 AM, Justin Lambert <
> jlamb...@infiniteviewtech.com> wrote:
> I am adding  spec tests to my modules and have run into an issue I can't
> seem to figure out.
> I have a simple class: (ruby/manifests/init.pp)
> class ruby {
>   include common
>   $blah = dirname('/tmp/test/file.txt')
>   file { $blah: ensure => director }
> }
> And a spec file: (spec/classes/ruby_init_spec.rb)
> require 'spec_helper'
> describe 'ruby', :type => :class do
>   it { should contain_file('/tmp/test') }
> end
> I have a simple define: (ruby/manifests/thin.pp)
> define ruby::thin {
>   include common
>   $blah = dirname('/tmp/test/file.txt')
>   file { $blah: ensure => director }
> }
> And a spec file: (spec/defines/ruby_thin_spec.rb)
> require 'spec_helper'
> describe 'ruby::thin', :type => :define do
>   let(:title) { 'test_site' }
>   it { should contain_file('/tmp/test') }
> end
> My .fixtures.yml contains:
> fixtures:
>   repositories:
>     common: gitol...@git.mycompany.com:puppet/mycompany-common.git
>   symlinks:
>     ruby: "#{source_dir}"
> common/lib/puppet/parser/functions/dirname.rb exists and is based off of
> https://github.com/camptocamp/puppet-common/blob/master/lib/puppet/parser/functions/dirname.rb.
>  I've been using it for a very long time without issue.
> Any thoughts as to what I'm missing?  I think I've narrowed it down to a
> class works and the define does not.
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