just FYI I was able to launch the app into the active desktop using the tool
which is probably just an implementation of the article you posted.  
The only caveat is that I still had to run the service under the logged in 
which so far is showing no negative side effects.

thanks for the info

On Friday, October 26, 2012 2:40:20 PM UTC-4, Josh Cooper wrote:
> Hi Lucas, 
> On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 8:10 AM, Lucas Vickers 
> <lucasv...@gmail.com<javascript:>> 
> wrote: 
> > Hello, 
> > 
> > I'm controlling 180 windows machines for an art project.  I am using 
> > puppet to configure the machines, push out an app as a zip, unzip it, 
> > change permissions, then launch it. 
> If you do not need LocalSystem permissions, then you could simply 
> configure the puppet service to run as an unprivileged (domain or 
> local) user: 
>     sc config puppet obj= <username> password= <password> 
> and allow the service to interact with the desktop: 
>     sc config puppet type= interact 
> > Everything works perfectly, 
> > except the app is being launched in a hidden desktop due to windows 
> > security. 
> This page describes some of the issues. 
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms684190(v=vs.85).aspx
> "If the service opens a command window and runs a batch file, the user 
> could hit CTRL+C to terminate the batch file and gain access to a 
> command window with LocalSystem permissions." So privilege escalation. 
> > From what I'm told since puppet runs as a service it is not allowed to 
> > launch an app on the logged in desktop.  I confirmed that when running 
> > the puppet agent manually the app launches correctly. 
> It is possible to allow services running under LocalSystem to interact 
> with the desktop in older versions of Windows. If you don't care about 
> the security implications, you could investigate that, though I 
> wouldn't recommend it. 
> Alternatively, you could do something like this: 
> http://chabster.blogspot.com/2008/01/run-as-interactive-user-from-service.html.
> Compile it and distribute it with your module. 
> Josh 
> -- 
> Josh Cooper 
> Developer, Puppet Labs 

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