Dear Werner,
Good Morning !
I am also working with User Module in puppet (New to the puppet) ... But i 
am not getting how /where to implement randome password generation.
Below is my Module:
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules/user/manifests/user.pp  :
#cat user.pp
define add_user ( $name, $uid, $groups, $shell, $password, $sshkeytype, 
$sshkey,$password_max_age, $password_min_age ) {
            $username = $title
            user { $username:
                    comment => "$name",
                    home    => "/home/$username",
                    shell   => "/bin/bash",
                    uid     => $uid,
                    password_max_age => "$password_max_age",
                    password_min_age => "$password_min_age"
            group { $username:
                    gid     => $uid,
                    require => user[$username]
            file { "/home/$username/":
                    ensure  => directory,
                    owner   => $username,
                    group   => $username,
                    mode    => 750,
                    require => [ user[$username], group[$username] ]
            file { "/home/$username/.ssh":
                    ensure  => directory,
                    owner   => $username,
                    group   => $username,
                    mode    => 700,
                    require => file["/home/$username/"]

            file { "/home/$username/.ssh/authorized_keys":
                    ensure  => present,
                    owner   => $username,
                    group   => $username,
                    mode    => 600,
                    require => file["/home/$username/"]
                ssh_authorized_key{ $username:
                user => "$username",
                ensure => present,
                type => "$sshkeytype",
                key => "$sshkey",
                name => "$username"
node '' {
 user { installer:
  ensure => "absent"
add_user { apple1:
        name    => "WM_admin_user",
        uid      => "3334",
        password_min_age => '2',
        password_max_age => '80000',
        password =>'$1$7NwLmsAf$25L8RI8v5gbirkPKLSulE/',
        shell => "/bin/bash",
        groups => ['apple1'],
        type => "ssh-dss",
sshkey => 
exec { "first_login_password_ch":
    command => "/usr/bin/chage -d 0 apple1",
    path    => "/usr/bin/chage"
random password script:
# random password generator by typedeaF
# Sets the maximum size of the password the script will generate
# I put escape chars on all the non alpha-numeric characters just for 
q w e r t y u i o p a s d f g h j k l z x c v b n m Q W E R T Y U I O P A S 
F G H J K L Z X C V B N M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( )
# Used in conjunction with modulus to keep random numbers in range of the 
array size
# Keeps track of the number characters in the password we have generated
while [ $pwd_len -lt $MAXSIZE ]
  while [ $y -lt $x ]
    echo -n "${array1[$index]}"
exit 0
I dont know how to integrate with puppet module ....... Your help is much 
Thanks & Regards,
Siva Kumar S.

On Wednesday, February 8, 2012 1:30:09 PM UTC-6, wernerbahlke wrote:

> Hi, 
> I want to create a user with a random password. Is there a way to only 
> execute the manifest once when the user does not exist but not once 
> the user is created? 
> I know how to create a random password and can use generate to execute 
> this function (or make it a custom fact provided I get this fact 
> executed). 
> So far I call an add_user method define in a users module out of my 
> base class. Here is the code: 
>   include users 
>   users::add_user { 'testuser': 
>     name     => 'testuser', 
>     uid      => '777', 
>     password => generate('/usr/local/bin/new_hash'), 
>     shell    => '/bin/csh', 
>     groups   => 'testuser', 
>   } 
> But alas this will get executed every time the client runs since the 
> password will have changed due to the new generate call. 
> One work-around I could think of is to create the user on the client 
> (FreeBSD) using an exec calling the makepassword and pw command. 
> Then I could check for existance of the user in the masterpasswd file 
> with an unless check. 
> But I much prefer do this with Puppet natively. 
> Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. 
> Werner

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