On Wednesday, October 24, 2012 6:10:18 AM UTC-5, MCZ wrote:
> So basically I am using this (http://github.com/larstobi/puppet-dns/) 
> module to manage amazon's route53 dns entries.
> The generic definition goes like that:
> node 'testnode' {
>     base::route53::r53delegation { "$primary_fqdn.":  ;}
> }
> On a server node which (is actually my puppet master) submits dns entries 
> to amazon I do:
> node 'masternode'  {
>     include base::route53::r53server
> }
> The problem is that whenever I specify resources 
> via base::route53::r53delegation within same node where 
> base::route53::r53server is included, resources seems to show up (be 
> exported) in the mysql database but are never realized...

Would you care to show how that node declaration looks?


> --debug --verbose is not really verbose enough about realizing resources...
> A little help how to further debug this would be highly appreciated...
> The definitions looks like below:
> define base::route53::r53delegation($recordname ='', 
> target="$::ec2_public_hostname",rtype='CNAME',$ttl=60) {
>     @@dnsrecord { "$title":
>         ensure => present,
>         value  => "$target",
>         type   => "$rtype",
>         zone   => 'foobar.com.',
>         ttl    => "$ttl",
>        }
> } 
> class base::route53::r53server {
> include base::generalsettings
>     Dnsrecord <<| tag == 'Base::Route53::R53delegation' |>> {
>         id     => "${base::generalsettings::route53_id}",
>         secret => "${base::generalsettings::route53_key}",
>     }
> } 

Is this on Puppet 3?  Puppet 3 has at least one or two of issues related to 
resources that are both exported and collected by the same node.  I don't 
see a ticket related to this particular behavior, but it is conceivable 
that there is a bug.

On the other hand, I would also be looking at the possibility of 
parse-order issues.  Do make sure that the node's own exported resources 
are declared before the collection that includes them is declared.


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