Puppet Dashboard 1.2.13-rc1 is a maintenance and bugfix release
candidate of Puppet Dashboard.

This release is available for download at:

Debian packages are available at

RPM packages are available at

See the Verifying Puppet Download section at:

Please report feedback via the Puppet Labs Redmine site, using an
affected version of 1.2.13-rc1:

Documentation is available at:

## Puppet Dashboard 1.2.13-rc1 Bug Fixes ##
(#17161) Fix stylesheet URLs for IE colorbox images
    The colorbox CSS looks for the IE images in
/images/internet_explorer. The correct location is

Update debian and redhat init script to use INT instead of term to stop

    Previously the debian init script didn't pass --signal to the
    start-stop-daemon, which defaults to TERM. Dashboard runs out of webrick by
    default, which catches and ignores TERM, but will respond to INT and stop
    sanely. Currently, running 'service puppet-dashboard stop' returns

    [2012-03-27 10:24:17] ERROR SignalException: SIGTERM
        /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/server.rb:91:in `select'

    and then waits for the retry timeout, at which point
start-stop-daemon SIGKILLs
    the ruby process. If --signal is set to INT in the init script, running
    'service puppet-dashboard stop' returns

    [2012-03-27 10:28:35] INFO  going to shutdown ...
    [2012-03-27 10:28:35] INFO  WEBrick::HTTPServer#start done.

    which is the expected behavior.

    The redhat init script suffered from a similar problem, adding -INT to the
    killproc call speeds up the `service puppet-dashboard stop` call as killproc
    doesn't need to wait and see if the process has ended, as INT is
responded to
    immediately by webrick.

(#9296) Fix loading rack for rubygems >= 1.8

    Rubygems version 1.8 broke some of the ways vendored gems used to
work in Rails
    2. This commit updates the config/environment.rb to add all of the
gem libs to
    the rails autoload_paths. It also updates the actionpack action_controller
    library to not call out to gem explicitly. We know that the correct rack
    version is being supplied in the vendored gems, so the following
require 'rack'
    line will succeed.

    This also munges the load path in config/boot.rb because boot.rb
doesn't load
    environment.rb right away, and so can't find rack, due to the same
gem problem.
    So this uses the same loop as in environment.rb, but instead of the rails
    autoload_paths, it adds the libs to $:, or $LOAD_PATH.

## Puppet Dashboard 1.2.13-rc1 Changelog ##

Branan Purvine-Riley (1):
      c2e4a4a (#17161) Fix stylesheet URLs for IE colorbox images

Matthaus Owens (2):
      a3f2588 (#9296) Fix loading rack for rubygems >= 1.8
      5378b46 Update debian and redhat init script to use INT instead
of term to stop

Moses Mendoza (1):
      ee6d3c3 Update VERSION, CHANGELOG for 1.2.13-rc1

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