On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 1:28 AM, imd <ivan.degtyare...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Changed the auth.conf and fileserver.conf in a way you suggested above,
> now client gives another error:
> err: /Stage[main]/Profiles/File[/etc/profile.d/wrkdir.py]: Could not
> evaluate: Error 400 on SERVER: Not authorized to call find on
> /file_metadata/files/shell/wrkdir.py Could not retrieve file metadata for
> puppet:///files/shell/wrkdir.py: Error 400 on SERVER: Not authorized to
> call find on /file_metadata/files/shell/wrkdir.py at
> /etc/puppet/manifests/classes/profiles.pp:42

> With '/files/' or without, same error.

Did you add the auth.conf rules before the default `path /file` rule.

For example, please see https://gist.github.com/3947951

Note how the default auth.conf file allows all requests.  The rules Nick
mentioned need to go before the path /file rule on line 74, otherwise
they'll never be reached because "first match wins."

I was able to fully work-around the issue by using these rules, also shown
in the patch files included in the gist:

# JJM Lock down the "files" fileserver mount exported from filserver.conf
# Remember, this file is parsed top to bottom and the first match "wins" so
# more specific rules need to be above more generalized rules.
# The following two rules mean the agent must posses a signed certificate
# must be connecting from the subnet.
path /file_metadata/files
auth yes

path /file_content/files
auth yes

# unconditionally allow access to all file services
# which means in practice that fileserver.conf will
# still be used
path /file
allow *

Please note, I think Nick's original suggestion is slightly incorrect
because it should now contain the "allow *.example.com" statement, as this
would allow all agents who poses a signed certificate with a CN ending in
example.com, regardless of their IP address.

If you truly want to authorize based on IP address, please stick with `auth
yes`, which means agents must posses a signed, trusted certificate, and
allow_ip which will grant access.


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