On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 11:45 PM, Andrey Kononov <zloyka...@gmail.com>
> rsync to yum.puppetlabs.com didn`t work now =(
> 22/tcp   open   ssh
> 25/tcp   closed smtp
> 80/tcp   open   http
> 443/tcp  open   https
> 631/tcp  closed ipp
> 1111/tcp closed unknown
> 5666/tcp open   nrpe

It seems to be working for me.  Perhaps it was just an intermittent issue?

jeff@puppetmaster:~$ *rsync rsync://yum.puppetlabs.com/packages*
drwxrwsr-x        4096 2012/10/11 20:07:19 .
-rw-rw-r--        3511 2012/10/11 18:04:44 Rakefile
drwxrwsr-x        4096 2012/10/10 17:51:41 apt-enterprise
drwxrwsr-x        4096 2012/10/12 06:44:18 apt
drwxrwxr-x       20480 2012/10/12 06:17:48 incoming
drwxr-xr-x        4096 2012/05/16 21:52:29 tasks
drwxrwsr-x        4096 2012/05/15 16:33:43 yum-enterprise
drwxrwsr-x        4096 2012/09/28 18:45:39 yum


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