On 10/15/2012 11:44 PM, Stefan Schulte wrote:

> The instances method is a class method and has to return an array of
> providers. So this often looks like this
>     def self.instances
>       systems = []
>       my_fancy_command.each_line do |line|
>         somehow_split_line_into_different_fields_like_name_and_interfaces
>         systems << new(
>           :name       => name,
>           :interfaces => interfaces,
>           :ensure     => :present
>         )
>       end
>       systems
>     end

Huh, so I have to build whole resources in self.instances, with all the
possible properties?

> This command can either return with a non zero exit code (no packages
> found) in case we have zero keys or it will print one line per key.
> For each line a provider instance is added to the array that is finally
> returned.

Got it from the upper code.

> I hope that helps. An example of a query method can be found in the
> package provider in puppet core. The package provider is a bit special
> here because it does not trust its prefetched values. This is because
> one resource can change the state of another resource:
>     package { "mod_ssl": ensure => installed }
>     package { "httpd": ensure => installed }
> The ensure property of "httpd" can change in the middle of a puppetrun (if
> mod_ssl is installed first httpd will be installed as a dependency)
> so the prefetched value of :absent can be obsolete when puppet actually
> handles the resource Package["httpd"]. For you cobblersystem type I do
> not think that one resource may influence another resource right?

Yeah, you are right, one cobblersystem instance cannot influence
creation or modification of other instance.

But now that you mention, I do have one more question in this regard. Is
it possible for some property to create auto-require with some other
resource? Except from cobblersystem I do have 3 another custom types
(cobblerprofile, cobblerdistro and cobblerrepo). So, for example:

cobblerprofile { 'foo':
  ensure => present,
cobblersystem { 'bar':
  ensure  => present,
  profile => 'foo',
  require => Cobblerprofile['foo'],

Is there a way to skip the last require, and force it through profile
property in the type/provider code?

Thank you so much for the great explanation. I will save it and try to
code it first on my simpler types like cobblerprofile and if I succeed
will jump into fire and rewrite cobblersystem.


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