On 09/19/2012 01:59 PM, Nick wrote:

A have a question related to this thread. I'd like to ask, is the Foreman smart
proxy amenable to being configured using Puppet, to the extent of being able to
define the systems that are PXE booted within Puppet?  Or is there some other
existing means of configuring PXE booted systems from Puppet?


I don't know about foreman, but I have written cobbler puppet module with 4 custom types (distro, profile, repo, system), so we manage cobbler entirely through puppet. It's more readable and easier to edit properties. For example, this is how a typical system looks like:

  cobblersystem { 'typical-node':
    ensure    => present,
    profile   => 'CentOS-6.3-x86_64',
interface => { 'eth0' => { mac => '00:AA:BB:CC:DD:EE', ip_address => '', subnet => '', static => '1' }, },
    netboot   => false,
    gateway   => '',
    require   => Service[$cobbler::service_name],

Jakov Sosic

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