On Tuesday, October 2, 2012 11:47:43 AM UTC-5, ureal frank wrote:
>  Hi, 
> I have a service /etc/init.d/a that spawns multiple daemons b and c.
> This manifest does not make much sense to me but… any tip?
> service { 'a': 
> ensure => running, 
> pattern => ["/usr/local/bin/b", "/usr/local/bin/c"],
> }

As far as I know, the 'pattern' parameter understands only a single 
pattern.  What you have written probably won't do what you want.


> or should I test them individually?
> service { 'a': 
> ensure => running, 
> pattern => "/usr/local/bin/b",
> }
> service { 'a': 
> ensure => running, 
> pattern => "/usr/local/bin/c",
> }
No, you cannot declare Service['a'] (or any other resource) twice.

Your best bet would be to make the service control script /etc/init.d/a 
respond to the "status" command in an appropriate way (ideally as specified 
by the LSB; see 
and leave off the 'pattern' parameter in the service declaration.  If you 
are running a Puppet version older than 2.7.0 then you will also need to 
add "hasstatus => true" to the service parameters.


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