Puppet 3.0.0-rc7 is a feature release candidate for the 3.x series of Puppet.
Downloads are available at: * Source http://downloads.puppetlabs.com/puppet/puppet-3.0.0-rc7.tar.gz RPMs are available at http://yum.puppetlabs.com Debs are available at http://apt.puppetlabs.com Gems are available via rubygems at https://rubygems.org/downloads/puppet-3.0.0.rc7.gem or by using `gem install --pre puppet` Mac packages are available at http://downloads.puppetlabs.com/mac/puppet-3.0.0-rc7.dmg Windows packages are available at http://downloads.puppetlabs.com/windows/puppet-3.0.0-rc7.msi See the Verifying Puppet Download section at: http://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/puppet/wiki/Downloading_Puppet Please report feedback via the Puppet Labs Redmine site, using an affected puppet version of 3.0.0-rc7: http://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/puppet/ Puppet 3.0.0-rc7 (Telly) Release Notes ===================================== # Overview Puppet 3.0, code name Telly, is the first major release to Puppet since June 2011. With the help of our amazing community contributors, we've built a Release Candidate that merits a "dot-oh". We need your help to make that happen. As you know, Puppet supports numerous configurations and operating systems. Because of that, we need smart folks like you to validate that it's working in your environment. Here's how you can help: 1. Download Puppet 3.0 2. Read this changelog to identify any config changes you'll need to make 3. File bugs in the [Puppet Redmine issue tracker][1] 4. [Let us know][2] when you're headed to production [1]: http://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/puppet [2]: mailto:er...@puppetlabs.com # Summary of Changes This is not an exhaustive summary, but rather an editorialized list of the biggest changes. See the Git changelog for the full monty. Numbers in parentheses like `(#7788)` indicate a Redmine ticket at http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/7788 Notation like `(puppet/pull/998)` indicate a github pull request at https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/998 ## Cool New Stuff * Performance Improvements - substantial improvements to performance, particularly around catalog compilation. Agent now uses JSON for catalog cache, which can be dramatically faster for large catalogs (#16058, #2892) * Data Bindings - hiera will be automatically consulted for values of parameterized classes so you don't need the parser functions. (#11608) * Improved OS/Platform Support - Full Ruby 1.9 support; vastly improved Windows package support; yumrepo now supports ssl options (#3324); better upstart support; better Solaris zone, package and service support; * Loading Plugins from Rubygems - you can now install and use puppet extension code (faces, types, providers) via rubygems. (#7788) * Server Auto-Discovery - Puppet agents can use SRV records in DNS to find CA, master, report, and file servers (#3669) * Semantic Versioning - With 3.0.0, Puppet Labs makes a commitment to follow the Semantic Versioning guidelines outlined on semver.org. Public, documented APIs won't break until 4.0; minor-version 3.x releases will add new features while retaining compatibility, and tiny-version 3.0.x releases will be bugfix-only. ## DSL/Config Changes * Variable Scoping - Dynamic scoping has been removed. http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/scope_and_puppet.html * Auth.conf differentiates between names and IPs - There's a new `allow_ip` keyword in auth.conf if you want to permit IP addresses. (PR991) * `unless` is available as a synonym for `if !` (#7762) * Pluginsync now defaults to true - Yep, it's true. (#5521) * Updated `config.ru` syntax -- When running the master under Rack, make sure you update your config.ru to follow the example from ext/rack/files/config.ru in the source distribution. (#15337) * Passing `undef` as a parameter to a defined type or parameterised class will override the default with `undef`, rather than behave like you didn't pass anything at all (#16221) ## Changed Code Behavior * External Node Classifier and Environments - If there's a conflict between the environment requested by a client and what's set in the external node classifier, the ENC wins. (#3910) * When running puppet as root, the system-wide `confdir` and `vardir` settings will be used. When running as a non-root user, `confdir` will be `~/.puppet/` and `vardir` will be `~/.puppet/var`, which now relies on $HOME being set in your environment. (#16137, /puppet/pull/1080) * When you pass an `undef` into a parameterised class or defined type, the receiver will actually see it as an `undef` now; previously it was ignored. This provides greater consistency with normal (non-parameter) resources, but code that relied on the old behavior will need to change. (#16221) ## Important Deprecations * Puppet 3.0 does not support running under Ruby 1.8.5. The main OS platform which still ships with 1.8.5 is RHEL5 and while we love RHEL and its derivatives (CentOS, Oracle Enterprise Linux, Scientific, etc), we can't maintain backwards compatiblity to 1.8.5. So we've backported the RHEL6 packages to provide drop-in replacements for the system Ruby packages (1.8.7-p370) -- these are available at http://yum.puppetlabs.com/el/5/devel/ now and will move into the 'deps' repository along with the Telly final release. (#15734) * As part of a Google Summer of Code project, we have a completely rewritten Ruby DSL. Some of it is backwards-compatible, but other things have changed pretty dramatically; we think it'll be a great improvement for those who want to write Puppet code directly in Ruby. Check out this blog post for details of the changes: http://puppetlabs.com/blog/gsoc-project-ruby-dsl-for-puppet/ Puppet 3.0.0-rc7 Changelog ========================== Andrew Parker (6): 89cde8d (Maint) Create a test for the puppet backend d896651 (#15756) Call functions correctly in tests a5929c7 (#15756) Do not allow functions called without Array d4b44a3 (#15756) Test behavior of function loading not mocks f42548e (#15756) Call include function correctly 5e3fbca (Maint) Remove fragile test Craig Dunn (1): a735052 added volcanes patch to allow calling_module and calling_class to be evaluated in scope Daniel Pittman (43): 8fa6575 Make SELinux internal helper functions private. 13cb623 (#8714) Don't follow symlinks in SELinux FS detection 5ac681f AST Scope variable names must be strings. c5aa286 Clean up the Hiera Puppet integration. a67977b Use Pathname.realpath instead of writing it... c528368 (#16027) Restore function context to backtraces 81c8afa Skip symbolic link demanding test on Windows 0e7fc8d Update copyright years in LICENSE f0ef301 (#16330) Update ZAML to latest upstream. ac76836 (#16327) Fix fact terminus configuration cache handling 4b64049 (#16327) Continue agent run when node terminus find fails 312b467 Git ignore an .rvmrc file in the root of the project fe1f4a2 (#4680) Reject CA network operations when master CA is disabled a0287bf Implement a JSON file terminus to mirror YAML. 141c83b Add catalog JSON terminus to improve performance. c0e5f4d Implement Symbol#intern when it is missing. fbd5105 Use `intern` rather than `symbolize` it Puppet::Type 4d4a75a zaml: statically determine the to_ascii8bit implementation. fd8343a zaml: unify on a single definition of `to_zaml` for Symbol 8173a6e Avoid object creation/destruction when possible. aca7959 type: memoize key_attributes for types. 9176f5c tagging: document why fixing this horror is hard. 54c4f0a lexer: remove some unused stats collection 397dfa8 monkey_patch: cache Symbol to_proc result. 89e0f14 type: support implicit "identity" transformation 912ed34 FileCollection is a memory loss, not a memory win. 275c94d Eliminate remaining uses of FileCollection. 58f6ca1 parser/files: use a cheaper test for "is this path absolute?" 20efe94 util: don't rebuild regexp every time we invoke absolute_file? 9099a42 zaml: don't sort object attributes for output e70273b whit: cache the `to_s` result. 33c127b zaml: speed micro-optimization for Time output b54f8cd log_paths: memoize the entire value, not just part of it. 314c3da file_serving: avoid rewriting paths if possible. f60e402 tagging: use a static regexp rather than rebuilding it 69315c2 Implement `Fixnum#ord` for Ruby 1.8.5 eea1ef5 (#15190) Avoid deprecated iconv on Ruby 1.9 83defc0 zaml: rework strings for correctness and speed 4f6289b zaml: add whitespace for readability. fbca3b0 zaml: avoid calling emit when we don't have anything to output 67e5957 zaml: don't use backreferences on strings 68dea3d zaml: handle multi-line map keys and array values correctly. 5e7cce5 Disable ActiveSupport::Dependencies hooks. Deepak Giridharagopal (3): f991171 (#15768) Deprecate ActiveRecord-based storeconfigs terminuses 4819479 (#15678) Deprecate ActiveRecord-based inventory service terminuses b11b124 (#15768) Deprecate puppet queue Eric Sorenson (1): 3d8cb2b (#16184) Improve example auth.conf Gary Larizza (2): 894a7a4 Fail if a lookup key isn't passed 927de1f Add test coverage for hiera_hash() Henrik Lindberg (4): e5c31df (#15735) Deprecate puppet kick, and agent --listen. f4e229e (#16189) Make --run_mode a global option and not a setting 106509a Fix issue with chown failing in test. 4e7e4ba (Maint) Add tests of passing undef as parameter. Hunter Haugen (3): bd1d1be Adding hiera_hash() Puppet function 15cd26d Adding hiera_hash for CHANGES.txt 632457e Rubygems is not required to use hiera Jeff McCune (17): 4b68af3 (minor) tweaks to modules README def41d5 Add watchr script d840325 (Maint) Use PuppetlabsSpec::PuppetSeams.parser_scope 88c5f9a (Maint) Fix mock error with hiera module 7ac4a54 (Maint) Fix missing spec_helper lines in some tests 43910f2 (Maint) Rename PuppetlabsSpec::Puppet{Seams,Internals} 84b4d11 (Maint) Rename PuppetlabsSpec::Puppet{Seams,Internals} 315ebad (#2888) Add settings catalog info to README_DEVELOPER 61a34d3 (#2888) Fix race condition with puppetdlockfile 4b2a888 (#3757) Rename agent_pidfile to agent_catalog_run_lockfile 3fc3209 (Maint) Improve error message when catalog run is in progress c572c78 (Maint) Make puppet module install --confdir=foo puppetlabs-stdlib work ada77c5 (Maint) Add test coverage for --confdir=/tmp/puppet patch fb845bb (#7316) Load applications from the modulepath df7a72f (Maint) Fix spec failures with Puppet::Face[] 8a44663 Revert "Merge branch 'fix/3.x/7316_load_faces_from_modulepath' into 3.x" edb535e Revert "Merge branch 'fix/3.x/fix_puppet_face_failures' into 3.x" Josh Cooper (11): d36fe25 Maint: Fix mismatched expect-should 5a38d50 (#12630) Run puppet agent as a service c0e2a6f (#13027) Guard against invalid runinterval values 68c61fa (#16347) Replace \x92 character with apostrophe e84f448 (#16347) Qualify references to windows-pr gem 4a0f0d3 Maint: Clear global state between tests 2eec886 Maint: Clear memory instances a4174e2 Maint: Clear parsedfile target and default_target a126820 Maint: Don't overwrite outer sum variable b71ed32 Maint: Ensure manages_password_age feature is set e45961f Maint: Fix intermittently failing spec test Kelsey Hightower (8): 48bfccb (#14461) Remove Puppet parser functions a042de4 Revert "(#14461) Remove Puppet parser functions" 01e9122 (maint) Follow Puppet Labs style guide + code cleanup 95d7058 (maint) parser functions do not require hiera.yaml 8a49eab (maint) Add acceptance tests bdb8563 (#15184) Refactor parser functions 9ab901f (maint) Hiera Puppet now has a LICENSE file 44bc7cb (#15105) Update README YAML examples Ken Barber (1): 2df319a (#14124) Load rake tasks directly to fix tests for Ruby 1.9.x Matthaus Litteken (28): cb721c5 Add mac packaging to hiera-puppet 64b7375 Move conf to ext directory 4101d02 Add debian packaging for hiera-puppet 470c5c8 Add Redhat packaging to hiera-puppet 5adc454 Add package task to tasks 1138e65 Updating CHANGELOG for hiera-puppet 1.0.0rc1 378a1a2 Tweak debian packaging 9c23e9d Remove puppetlabs_spec_helper require from root Rakefile 8e4e76a (maint) Replace .should on blocks with .to 2fa4251 Update hiera-puppet package tasks c686adb Update debian package task to handle orig version properly and use the correct directory name when building. 416f098 Update hiera-puppet hiera dependency to ~> 1.0 1b2a5d1 Update CHANGELOG for 1.0.0rc2 0fbdd62 (#15291) Add Vendor tag to Hiera-Puppet spec file fd3fe17 Add hiera_puppet.rb to debian, redhat packages, fix gem version dependency 962453f Updating CHANGELOG for 1.0.0rc3 62492ba Updating CHANGELOG for 1.0.0, changing hiera dependency to ~> 1.0 8fa77b4 Moving windows service into the ext directory. bccf5af Update packaging to account for hiera-puppet merge b716dc7 (#16144) Update puppet spec file for fedora 17 and systemd changes 8dc46ba Update puppet.spec.erb to correct rpmlint issues 12933af Update puppet.spec, bump required ruby to 1.8.7 0c4dadd Remove sbin references from install.rb 0f0fe3d Replace Config::CONFIG with RbConfig::CONFIG be2816d Add --ruby flag to install.rb 9351940 Update debian ruby dependencies to include 1.9 668e314 Remove svn specific code from install.rb 5b2adc9 Updating lib/puppet/version.rb for 3.0.0-rc7 Michael Stahnke (1): 97e6c3b Ready repository for release process Moses Mendoza (4): 9fa0497 remove non-applicable artifacts in packaging a1c4467 Fixup apple package plist for use with packaging repo c23a64a Remove CHANGELOG file 9f01586 Remove references to CHANGELOG in packaging Nan Liu (1): eb800e4 (#12037) hiera-puppet should support hash values. Nick Fagerlund (1): 8ca3640 Update docs w/ new default logoutput value from ticket #10907 Niels Abspoel (1): 3e2fde6 systemd unit files added on own branch for pull request to satisfy issue 16144 : https://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/16144 Patrick Carlisle (11): dbdda00 (#12122) Use nil as default answer in lookup 7a458a4 (#14841) Give useful error for array or hash lookup failure d76a9d8 (#14841) Add test for hiera_hash parser function b166328 (#14841) Add test coverage for remaining hiera parser functions 934c4a8 Fix for windows paths in hiera-puppet specs e942e01 Clean up acceptance tests merged from hiera-puppet 5f707a4 Set ca_location in ca face a1b9f7c (#13435) Use digest algorithm from CSR for fingerprint 97c8b0c (#13435) Use new digest code when generating a CSR 50aeb87 (#13435) Convert digest to string in cert interface 4b96227 (#13435) Use SHA256 for puppet agent --fingerprint Peter Meier (1): 30b7294 false vs. nil - supporting false as default value R.I.Pienaar (20): 59e8e88 First working hiera() function and a logger that logs using puppet notice/debug ae5b084 Add a hash like wrapper around puppet scope 3df4007 Add a puppet backend that impliments Nigels design ffda5bb Add README b92ac2c Add a debug statement f4cd24d Add tests and fix bugs found with tests 4a00e43 Add more tests, fix more bugs 759fd06 Rename tests dir to unit dir for consistancy with other projects 1b6866e Improve sample config and mention installation pains bfef859 Add a example setup Fix some unfriendly behavior wrt class names that don't resolve using scope 583f24c Fix formating and make clearer 59ae8a3 Improve example 459ed6f Add apache 2 lic c3dd67f Add array search support 3d082e4 Fix spec failure c4adfac Add a hiera_include() function and update example ea3ca2d Add a hiera_array() function and fix args parsing 27f3b10 Update changes 4e9e880 Release 0.2.0 5abdb9e Add tests to scope for calling_class and calling_module handling Will Hopper (2): 4b0d2d3 Update Debian packaging rake task to correctly create the orig.tar.gz 5e516ee Update Debian packaging rake task to correctly create the orig.tar.gz rahul (23): ef4503e (acceptance) use facter to find the system name and fqdn 35db367 (acceptance) Add documentation to the test cases. 2aa5e96 (acceptance) solaris : update package name for cron 692b7b2 (acceptance) Move feature tests to 'resources' 57e77fc (acceptance) provide more rubust service script and fix smf 57d8ce5 (acceptance) fix zones: ensure that we pass a vallid interface name, fix name typo, sizes 5f1fac6 (acceptance) utils: cleanup - refactor zone utils so that we check before cleanup bf29be6 (acceptnace) disable two tests that fails in solaris temporarily. c321ace (acceptance) disable zone tests that require installation 747a324 (#16239) mock of facter :operatingsystem pending 120cc0e (packaging) adds ips support for shipping and signing 79753ec (#16425) ensure that first time install of speciifc version works c802552 (#16120) ips package provider gets feature holdable. f96262a (#16120) ips package provider gets feature holdable. 669e6db (#16430) acceptance: refactor zone tests 51f4d6b (#16430) acceptance: refactor cron tests edaccc8 (#16430) acceptance: refactor package ips 0fde9c1 (#16430) refactor smf tests 3cce0f0 (#16430) refactor zfs tests 44de9bc (#16430) refactor zpool test cases. 7dabf63 (maint) convert user_role_add_spec to the new format of writing test cases. d72381c (maint) use described_class.new for getting the provider instance. d889c3b (maint) add hiera to ext/envpuppet path and libpath -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. 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