I made a change to include the source so the file looks like this below but 
now when I run puppet agent --server ct-eng-pup --test it hangs a bit but 
it actually works. Thanks a lot Daniel for pointing me in the right 
class websharedlibs {
  file { "/opt/caretools/webapps/ehrweb":
      ensure => "directory",
      source => "puppet:///websharedlibs/ehrweb",
      recurse => "remote",
      owner => "root",
      group => "root",
      mode => 755,

On Tuesday, September 11, 2012 1:04:30 PM UTC-7, JGonza1 wrote:

> Is there a way to copy directories and the subdirectories under the parent 
> directory with puppet master to puppet client? How would I do that? 

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