The problem is:
when installing an application in a distributed environment I need to 
create the application DB on a remote host and not on the same host as the 

To make an example I'm going to install zabbix on host1 and the mysql db is 
on host2

I'll have to run the script to create the schema after having created the 
DB and user.
That operation have to be done in the host2 since it will not be possible 
to have root access on host1.
There is an interesting post on how to manage root password on the host2 on:

But the post imply that you are working on the same host.

Than there is the exported resources topic:

The idea is ... could it be possible to take the define from the 
bitfieldconsulting and use it as a exported resource?

define mysqldb( $user, $password ) {
    exec { "create-${name}-db":
      unless => "/usr/bin/mysql -u${user} -p${password} ${name}",
      command => "/usr/bin/mysql -uroot -p$mysql_password -e \"create 
database ${name}; grant all on ${name}.* to ${user}@localhost identified by 
      require => Service["mysqld"],

This way:
Create a define in the zabbix class that export the mysqldb resource
define zabbix::mysqldb ($servername = $servername, $user= $user, $password= 
$password,$Db = $db){
    @@mysqldb { $servername-$db: user => $user, password => $password,tag 
=> "new_user_for_mysql" }     


in the zabbix class
class zabbix(...){
mysqldb('dbname': server => 'host2', passoword => 'pass', user => 'user')

and call from within the mysql node

class mysql::server {
  package { "mysql-server": ensure => installed }
  package { "mysql": ensure => installed }

  service { "mysqld":
    enable => true,
    ensure => running,
    require => Package["mysql-server"],

  file { "/var/lib/mysql/my.cnf":
    owner => "mysql", group => "mysql",
    source => "puppet:///mysql/my.cnf",
    notify => Service["mysqld"],
    require => Package["mysql-server"],
  file { "/etc/my.cnf":
    require => File["/var/lib/mysql/my.cnf"],
    ensure => "/var/lib/mysql/my.cnf",

  exec { "set-mysql-password":
    unless => "mysqladmin -uroot -p$mysql_password status",
    path => ["/bin", "/usr/bin"],
    command => "mysqladmin -uroot password $mysql_password",
    require => Service["mysqld"],
  Mysqldb<<| tag == 'new_user_for_mysql' |>>

Could it work?

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