Could you please link me to these tutorials, so I may destroy them. 

Okay, anyway, here's how Puppet works:

The master has ONE manifest file that it ALWAYS reads, called 
/etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp. (use puppet master --configprint manifest to 
confirm its location. You can set the 'manifest' setting to change that.) 
It also OPTIONALLY can have an external node classifier; don't worry about 
that right now. 

The main manifest and the ENC can declare classes. Puppet will AUTOLOAD 
classes from MODULES. See here:

If you use an IMPORT statement in site.pp, you can also load arbitrary 
files like nodes.pp or nodes/somethingelse.pp. See here: But you 
don't need to do this right now.

So to get your simple thing working now: 

* rename nodes.pp to site.pp so puppet master will use it
* move ntp.pp to /etc/puppet/modules/ntp/manifests/init.pp

On Tuesday, August 28, 2012 1:19:23 PM UTC-7, Bai Shen wrote:
> I created some manifest files, but my client doesn't seem to be picking 
> them up.  According to all of the tutorials, I'm doing this right, so I'm 
> not sure what the issue is.
> nodes.pp:
> node default {
>         include ntp
> }
> ntp.pp:
> class ntp {
>         package {
>                 ntp:
>                         ensure => installed
>         }
>         service {
>                 ntpd:
>                         ensure => running,
>         }
> }
> puppetd --test:
> dnsdomainname: Unknown host
> dnsdomainname: Unknown host
> info: Caching catalog for testserver
> info: Applying configuration version '1346184997'
> notice: Finished catalog run in 0.01 seconds

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