I'm sure I'm doing something silly here, but I'm struggling to pass an 
array variable to a parameterized class and have it stay as an array:

# cat modules/testmodule/manifests/init.pp
class testmodule($array1) {
    file {'/tmp/testmodule' :
        content => template('testmodule/testmodule.erb'),

# cat manifests/nodes/site.pp
node 'testclient' {
    $myarray = ['aaa','bbb']
    class { "testmodule":
        array1 => [$myarray],

# cat modules/testmodule/templates/testmodule.erb
<% array1.each do |val| -%>
array1 val: <%= val %>
<% end -%>

<puppet run>

# cat /tmp/testmodule
array1 val: aaabbb

i.e. the class does not think $array1 is an array any more.  However if I 
change the node config to set the parameter as an array explicitly:

# cat manifests/nodes/site.pp
node 'testclient' {
    class { "testmodule":
        array1 => ['aaa','bbb'],

<puppet run>

# cat /tmp/testmodule
array1 val: aaa
array1 val: bbb

Its not unreasonable to try and pass an array as a variable is it?



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