Have you confirmed that puppet master is running as user = puppet?

On the master check: puppet --genconfig|grep user


From: puppet-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:puppet-users@googlegroups.com] On 
Behalf Of Jo Rhett
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2012 1:03 PM
To: puppet-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [Puppet Users] puppet client could not request certificate: Error 
500 on SERVER

You should spend some time and determine how and why that is happening. I can 
assure you that it's not normal, so this is something specific to some custom 
code on your site.

On Aug 19, 2012, at 10:56 AM, Stuart Cracraft wrote:
I am seriously thinking of putting those recursive chown's in root crontab on 
puppet masters and puppet agents for /etc/puppet* and

I shouldn't have to do this but have
seen cases of ownership reversion.


Via Apple iPhone 4S on the AT&T Wireless Network

On Aug 13, 2012, at 3:04 AM, Frederik Vos <inktvi...@gmail.com> wrote:
For the people still looking for an answer:
chown -R puppet:puppet /var/lib/puppet/reports

Op woensdag 30 maart 2011 21:02:43 UTC+2 schreef hyzhang het volgende:
Thank. I am pasting the entire message here:

Mar 30 14:01:04 puppetclient1 puppet-agent[28571]: Could not request
certificate: Error 500 on SERVER: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD
HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd";> <html>
<head>         <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
charset=UTF-8">     <meta name="generator" content="Phusion
Passenger">     <title>Ruby (Rack) application could not be started</
title>     <style type="text/css">                 body {  font-
family: Verdana, 'Bitstream Vera Sans', Arial, Sans-Serif;
font-size: 10pt;        background: white;      color:
#222222;         margin: 0;      padding-top: 3em;       padding-
bottom: 3em;    padding-left: 4.5em;    padding-right: 4.5em; }  h1
{   font-size: 17pt;        font-weight: medium;    color:
#533e72;         border-bottom: 1px solid #533e72; }  h1.title
{         margin-top: 0; }  h1.error_title {      color: red;
border-bottom: 1px solid red; }  a {    text-decoration: none; }
a:hover {     text-decoration: underline; }  dt {     font-weight:
bold;      color: #280050; }  dd {         margin-top: 0.5em;
margin-bottom: 1em; }  .commands {      border: 1px

Somehow I am able to get the certificate for the client. Since above
error message says "Ruby (Rack) application could not be started", I
#rackup /usr/share/puppet/rack/puppetmasterd/config.ru
Then I see the rack process on puppet server
#ps -ef|grep rack
puppet   27140     1  0 14:21 ?        00:00:00 Rack: /usr/share/

>From then on the server is able to receive the client certificate
request and sign it.

Do I have to start the rack manually in a manner like that? I thought
if I start httpd service, it would start rack automatically.

I am still not sure if I did everything right.


On Mar 30, 2:38 pm, "Hugo Cisneiros (Eitch)"
<hugo.cisnei...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 3:00 PM, hyzhang <hyzh...@jcvi.org> wrote:
> > Hi, I am new to puppet.
> > I have puppet server set up with passenger. But when I start puppetd
> > from client, I see following error in the syslog file:
> > Mar 30 13:52:03 puppetclient1 puppet-agent[29732]: Could not request
> > certificate: Error 500 on SERVER: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD
> > HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd";> <html>
> > <head>         <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
> > charset=UTF-8">     <meta name="generator" content="Phusion
> > Passenger">     <title>Ruby (Rack) application could not be started</
> > title> ....
> You didn't paste the most important part of the error. Thie page ruby/rack
> generates usually have some pretty useful information in an error field.
> Like a module missing on an import/require, permission problems, and so on.
> Please identify and post the error so we can be helpful :)
> --
> []'s
> Hugowww.devin.com.br

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Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : net philanthropy to improve open source and internet projects.

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