On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 12:44 PM, Jeff Sussna <j...@ingineering.it> wrote:
> I want to use Puppet to manage Groovy and Gradle on Windows machines. The
> install process for each looks like:
> 1. Download zip file from a URL
> 2. Unzip

The nanliu/staging module on the Puppet Forge will at least get you
the first two points. http://forge.puppetlabs.com/nanliu/staging

With a couple of Puppet resources, it will retrieve the zip file from
a url, store it somewhere and unzip it wherever you want. He lists
some examples on the Forge page. They're for tar.gz files but the
resources automatically handle zipped files should they have the
proper .zip extension.

> 3. Create a Windows environment variable to point to the location where you
> unzipped
> 4. Add that environment variable/bin to the global PATH environment
> variable.

I'm sorry I can't help you with these two. Hopefully someone else on
the list can. :-)

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