On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 7:38 AM, jcbollinger <john.bollin...@stjude.org> wrote:
> On Tuesday, August 14, 2012 11:37:26 AM UTC-5, Douglas wrote:
>> Not really. I have three run stages that have been working fine. It
>> was when I tried to add
>> Apt::Source <| |> -> Exec["apt-update"]
>> Exec['apt-update'] -> Package <| |>
>> to site.pp to globally enforce apt source installs, an apt-get update
>> and then installation of packages, in that order, that the dependency
>> cycles started. I thought maybe mixing the two was bad, which was when
>> I tried replacing the run stages with Class->, which doesn't seem to
>> be allowed syntactically btw. Looks like a bug?
> There is no inherent problem with mixing stages and chaining, as far as I
> know.  Both are simply facades on top of Puppet's underlying relationship
> machinery, so fundamentally they are parts of the same thing.
> I am pretty confident that the problem is with Class<| |>.  There are at
> least two factors in play there:
> Classes are not resources.  PL has made a concerted effort since the
> introduction of v. 2.6 to blur, downplay, and obscure the distinction, but
> they have not removed it.
> Resource collections are conflated with realization of virtual resources (or
> collection of exported resources, where there isn't even a distinct name for
> the concept).  There is a longstanding ticket on this issue.
> Since classes are not resources, but collection syntax specifies, in part,
> realization of virtual resources of the specified type, I do not find it
> surprising that Puppet rejects Class<| |>.  It looks like it should work
> (because PL has done a good job of making classes appear to be resources),
> but I'm not surprised that it doesn't.  I would not consider that a bug per
> se, but that it should work as you expected seems a reasonable feature
> request.
>> I could put the installation of apt sources in their own run stage
>> that runs first. However, different classes of servers need different
>> apt sources, and therefore I need the ability to be able to add apt
>> sources at arbitrary points after the initial run stage, yet still
>> ensuring that an apt-get update happens only once after all the apt
>> sources have been installed, but before any packages are installed.
>> This must be a general problem. Wonder how people have solved it...?
> I agree that the problem seems general.  Does it not work to put your
> Apt::Source resources into their own classes, and assign those classes to
> your initial stage?  That seems the natural solution.

Not really. The setup of base apt sources is handled during one of the
initial run stages. However, additional repo's are added later as the
function of the server is further refined.


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