I can't reproduce this. I used sudo because it was out-of-date on my system.

[0] root@centos6-64 /tmp> rpm -q sudo

[0] root@centos6-64 /tmp> yum list available | grep sudo
sudo.x86_64                                1.7.4p5-12.el6_3              updates

[0] root@centos6-64 /tmp> puppet --version
2.7.12 (Puppet Enterprise 2.5.2)

[0] root@centos6-64 /tmp> cat test.pp
package {

[0] root@centos6-64 /tmp> puppet apply --verbose test.pp
info: Loading facts in
info: Loading facts in
info: Loading facts in
info: Loading facts in /var/opt/lib/pe-puppet/lib/facter/root_home.rb
info: Loading facts in /var/opt/lib/pe-puppet/lib/facter/facter_dot_d.rb
info: Loading facts in /var/opt/lib/pe-puppet/lib/facter/puppet_vardir.rb
info: Applying configuration version '1343301257'
notice: Finished catalog run in 0.18 seconds

[0] root@centos6-64 /tmp> rpm -q sudo

[0] root@centos6-64 /tmp> yum list available | grep sudo
sudo.x86_64                                1.7.4p5-12.el6_3              updates

So, as you can see, my sudo package didn't update.

On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 11:44 AM, Bill Fraser <fra...@pythian.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi Matthew,
> According to the source, defaultto is set to 'installed', of which
> 'present' is an alias.
> https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/blob/master/lib/puppet/type/package.rb
> Which means no package updates should have occurred. As for why they
> did and why nothing was logged .. that I don't know.
> Regards,
> Bill Fraser
> System Administrator
> Pythian
> On 12-07-26 10:37 AM, Matthew Barr wrote:
>> We just saw an interesting scenario: Puppet 2.7.18 updated packages
>> on a RHEL 6.2 box to a newer version without logging that fact.
>> We've already fixed our code so it doesn't happen again, but I'm
>> wondering if this is expected behavior or a bug.
>> * I presume the default  "ensure" behavior on package is "latest"?
>> The type reference doesn't say that…
>> * For now, we've switched to using ensure => present… but I'd have
>> liked the logs to reflect that update.
>> Details, if necessary:
>> Now, we had the code as such:
>> package { php:; php-common:; php-xml:; php-domxml;: } and there was
>> a single not present package to install  (php-domxml).
>> Interestingly, the package was actually an older package name
>> that's now handled by a new package (php-xml), which meant that the
>> actual message logged was a failure.
>> Jul 25 14:09:43 web01 puppet-agent[1021]:
>> (/Stage[main]/Php/Package[php-domxml]/ensure) change from absent to
>> present failed: Could not find package php-domxml
>> This was the only package message logged, and yet we ended up with
>> newer versions.
>> Matthew Barr Technical Architect E: mb...@snap-interactive.com AIM:
>> matthewbarr1 c:  (646) 727-0535
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