On Jul 17, 2012, at 6:30 AM, jcbollinger wrote:
> Apparently so.  I don't want to drag this thread off into a rehash of the 
> constraints idea, but one of the central ideas is that it allows cooperative 
> specification of resource properties.  Constraints -- as I envision them -- 
> are not a dynamic validation feature, but rather an indirect, deferred 
> declaration feature.  In many cases, explicit resource declarations could be 
> replaced by one or more constraints on the same resource, which could appear 
> anywhere in the manifest set.  Everything gets resolved after all resources 
> are compiled.

Sounds like treating hiera data as virtualized to me (and sounds like a 
functional way to deal with the issues we are discussing).  How would you 
implement this today?

> I'll say no more about that here, but if anyone wants to discuss it further 
> then I'd be likely to respond to a new thread on that topic.

Seems like a thread that you should name, unless you want a thread labelled 
"Ask John" … ;-)

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : net philanthropy to improve open source and internet projects.

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