I tried this method too:  

It works with puppet 2.7, but not with 2.6.2

[16:41:15 #168 root@:~$ ] FACTER_operatingsystem=plop puppet -e 'notify { 
> "We are running on $::operatingsystem": }'
> notice: We are running on Debian
> notice: /Stage[main]//Notify[We are running on Debian]/message: defined 
> 'message' as 'We are running on Debian'
> [16:41:32 #169 root@:~$ ] puppetd --version
> 2.6.2
> [16:41:35 #170 root@:~$ ] puppet agent --version
> 2.6.2

Le mardi 17 juillet 2012 15:30:15 UTC+2, julien cosmao a écrit :
> Hi,
> I want to add "Proxmox" as new value in $::operatingsystem.
> "Proxmox" is based on Debian, so the normal value is currently "Debian".
> To change that, I just write a custom fact based on the facter fact 
> "operatingsystem"
> Facter.add(:operatingsystem) do
>>  ...
>>    setcode do
>>    ...
>>    elsif FileTest.exists?("/usr/bin/pveversion")
>>        "Proxmox"
> This method doesn't override the original fact.
> I've also tried to set $::operatingsystem = "Proxmox" directly in my node.
> What's the best way to do override an existing fact ?
> Regards,
> Julien

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