On 15.07.2012, at 00:30, Peter Bukowinski wrote:

> On Jul 14, 2012, at 5:19 PM, loki77 <lok...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi, I'm trying to install the 'unbound' dns resolver in ubuntu via
>> puppet and I'm running into some issues.  The issue isn't that the
>> package doesn't install, but rather that apt automatically starts the
>> daemon - and when the daemon starts, it updates resolv.conf in a way
>> that breaks DNS.
>> There's a command, 'resolvconf --disable-updates' that will stop
>> unbound from making the change it wants to.  What I'd like to do is:
>> - If unbound isn't installed, then execute --disable-updates
>> - Then install unbound
>> - Then --enable-updates
>> Is there anyway to do this?  Thanks.
> You can either write a custom fact that gets set when unbound is 
> installed/active and use that in an if block around the stop-install-start 
> procedure, or use the 'resolvconf --disable-updates' exec resource's 'unless' 
> parameter to test for a running unbound daemon prior to installing the 
> package.

You can use require and notify within the package resource to run exec 

e.g. (untested)

exec { 'disable':
        command => '/path/to/resolvconf --disable-updates',
        onlyif => 'dpkg -l | grep -c unbound | wc -l',
exec { 'enable':
        command => '/path/tp/resolvconf --enable-updates',
        unless => 'dpkg -l | grep -c unbound | wc -l',
package { 'unbound':
        requires => Exec['disable'],
        notify => Exec['enable'],

- Martin

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